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Lineage from pbit files

In this section, we provide guides and references to get the lineage between DataSource Tables <-> PowerBI Datasets <-> PowerBI Reports.

The PowerBI connector will parse the .pbit files generated using PowerBI desktop application to generate the lineage. Export the .pbit file for your PowerBI Reports by following the guide here

Use any one of the below sources to store the .pbit files and configure these sources in the PowerBI connector

  • local: Provide the full path of your folder in the local system where the pbit files are stored. For the powerbi ingestion to pick these files, the ingestion should be running on the same system where the files are stored.

  • azure: Store the pbit files in a Azure datalake bucket and specify the bucket name and path where the files are stored.

  • s3: Store the pbit files in a S3 bucket and specify the bucket name and path where the files are stored.

  • gcs: Store the pbit files in a GCS bucket and specify the bucket name and path where the files are stored.

Select the source for the .pbit files from UI and add the connection for it


pbit file sources

Choose one of the configs for local, azure, s3 and gcs by modifying pbitFilesSource from below yaml and run the connector by following steps here.

Add dbServiceNames under lineageInformation to create lineage between datasource Tables and PowerBI datasets. After running the PowerBI connector, the connector will gather these files and extract the files under path specified at pbitFilesExtractDir (directory will be created if not present). Then the extracted contents will be used to create the lineage.