The OpenMetadata community is on a monthly release cadence. At every 4-5 weeks we will be releasing a new version. To see what's coming in next releases, please check our Roadmap section.
1.6.6 Release π
Mar 14th, 2025
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Improvements:- Added loggedInAPI to show more specific error messages instead of generic ones
- Added support for `/logout` path to perform logout from API redirect
- Added displayName field in the `createCustomProperty` schema
- Improved search relevancy for plural/singular words and partial matches
- Introduced "clear sample" option in entity config to support explicit null
- Made domain a required field for Data Product creation
- Enabled showdown rendering options`,
- Added support for datatype=array without type consistency
- Added result_maker check for query share URL in Looker
- Fixes:- Fixed Snowflake ARRAY column ingestion issues
- Fixed Sigma workbook ingestion
- Fixed tomcat-jdbc dependency
- Fixed schema URL construction
- Fixed Redshift view logging for no schema binding
- Fixed OpenMetadata Operations
- Supported request schema field for OpenAPI lineage when response field is absent
- Fixed tour page clicking issues
- Fixed duplicate activity feed providers
- Fixed search query for non-admin pages
- Fixed other columns visibility when testSuite name is large
- Fixed task description viewer for diff creation
- Fixed inherited owner not updating in Data Product list
- Fixed user update roles
- Fixed table constraint error
- Fixed manual constraints deletion
- Fixed deletion of entities
- Fixed entity relation live indexing
- Fixed service creation error display
- Fixed external app logs
- Fixed incremental lineage processing when processedLineage is null
- Improved memory handling in temp table lineage
- Enhanced Column Name Scanner
- Improved pipeline service client exception handling
- Updated Tableau documentation in Connectors
- Optimized pipeline service client initialization
- Implemented Incremental Lineage Processing
- Don't overwrite query to execute
Full Changelog:
1.6.5 Release π
Feb 28th, 2025
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Fix hyperlink encoding for alerts and notifications
- Fix failed tests sample data exception management
- Fix MySQL and MariaDB window function computation when no database is added in the connection
- Add support for tags and glossary terms in Domains and Data Products
- Fix consolidation issues on incremental changes
- Fix Snowflake lineage Key Error
- Fix iframe SSO setup
- Support pagination for container children
- Improved search matching for keywords
Full Changelog:
1.6.4 Release π
Feb 20th, 2025
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Fix: Powerbi test connection sucess with bad credentials.
- Fix: Remove description check for columnDescriptionStatus.
- Fix: Markdown editor fix.
- Fix: Postgres usage not terminating with bad connection.
- Fix: Fix followers for Data Insights index.
- Fix: Add support for temp table lineage.
- Fix: Exclude deleted Stored Procedure Snowflake.
- Fix: Fix databricks schema not found.
- Fix: API service schema fields of object type not listed.
- Fix: Multiple Tier selection not resulting correct DQ dashboard view.
- Fix: Not able to edit sql query from test case details page.
- Fix: Implement the right SQA Sampler for UnityCatalog.
- Fix: Fix dbt Test case Timestamp issue.
- Fix: Delete pipelines from logical suites at deletion.
- Fix: Table Update Sys Metric shows wrong value.
- Fix: Fix unity catalog lineage - handle errors.
- Improvement: Trino Add missing import.
- Improvement: Optimise Pipeline Lineage Extraction.
- Improvement: Powerbi fetch workspaces failure handle.
- Improvement: Validate basic suites do have basicEntityRef.
- Improvement: Add support for cluster key information - bigquery.
- Improvement: Automator - Remove tags by label type.
- Improvement: Show sub domain assets to top level.
- Improvement: Sort Enum type Custom Property Values.
- Improvement: Modify the appeariance of self connecting edge lineage.
- Improvement: Global search should persist quick filter in explore.
- Improvement: Show sourceUrl if present.
- Improvement: Modify the lineage alignment algorithm to tree view.
Full Changelog:
1.6.3 Release π
Jan 29th, 2025
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Fix: Adds percona server for postgresql support.
- Fix: Inherited Ownership for Data Products.
- Fix: Favicon not being updated in the browser tab.
- Fix: Fix Search Index for ER Model.
- Fix: dbt ingestion picks up wrong service to patch metadata.
- Fix: Wrong team count displayed on team tab.
- Fix: Tracing highlighter in lineage after edge clicked.
- Fix: Api should not called after time out in Test connection.
- Fix: Get only non-deleted entities in export.
- Fix: The permissions call made for search service.
- Fix: Kafkaconnect validation errors.
- Fix: DI Filter not getting applied.
- Fix: Redash Get Dashboards flow.
- Fix: Description not rendered in Glossary Modal while edit.
- Fix: The persona JSON schema is named Team.
- Fix: Redirection issue on IDP initiated calls.
- Fix: Async export csv not happening in lineage.
- Fix: Description renderer having tags in glossary,team and user import.
- Fix: RichTextEditor output in case on no data save.
- Fix: s3 storage parquet structureFormat ingestion.
- Fix: Data Insights index mapping.
- Fix: Edit description permission for domain owner.
- Fix: Model dump dict key names.
- Fix: Broken looker lineage.
- Fix: Refresh call concurrency for multiple browser tabs.
- Fix: Infinite loading for refresh attempted on app visit.
- Fix: Duplicate table constraints.
- Fix: Updated MSSQL queries causing arithmetic overflow error.
- Fix: PowerBI tables, datamodel metadata missing.
- Fix: Wrong dataset and project id in filter of system metric query.
- Fix: Data Insight fix custom property filter.
- Fix: Entity Hierarchy Schema.
- Fix: Salesforce column description with toggle api.
- Fix: Update glossary term table upon new term added.
- Fix: Remove unwanted spacing around the list in block editor.
- Fix: Postgres parse json schema.
- Fix: Optimize multithreading for lineage.
- Fix: Fetch Stored Procedures from account usage .
- Fix: Add MaterializedView & DynamicTable for lineage computation.
- Fix: MariaDB Lineage Dialect Issue.
- Minor: Optimize Snowflake SP Query.
- Minor: Hide description tooltip for tag edit mode.
- Minor: BigQuery Improvement, Hive Partitioned Tables, Nonetype issue resolved
- Minor: Typo for datetime attribute.
- Minor: Get missing dataProducts and pipeline properties in /customProperties api.
- Minor: Improve cron expression validations.
- Minor: Change log localization improvement.
- Minor: Async test case result deletion.
- Minor: Retention period 'Cancel' international display issue.
- Improvement: Logout user on unsuccessful refresh attempt.
- Improvement: Support for Domain hierarchy listing.
- Improvement: Avoid usage of CONCAT in WHERE clause.
- Improvement: Glossary column width sizes for the resizable columns.
- Improvement: Move Recreate Out of executors.
- Improvement: Supported the task filter on landing page feed widget.
- Improvement: Implement Data Quality Dashboards (Incident Manager + Data Quality).
- Improvement: Added loading state, and manage error notification in TestSuite.
- Improvement: Enhance Kafka SSL configuration support with consumerConfigSSL.
- Improvement: Add prometheus counter for search and database.
- Improvement: Retention Application : Delete change_events, activity threads, versions based on admin retention policies.
- Fix: DQ Dashboard: update order of the pie chart. (Collate)
- Fix: Lineage Propagation when Entity doesn't have a given field. (Collate)
- Minor: Added limits configuration in telemetry payload. (Collate)
- Improvement: Show displayName for custom dashboards. (Collate)
- Improvement: Support rename for custom dashboard and charts. (Collate)
- Improvement: Improve Onboarding Application. (Collate)
Full Changelog:
1.6.2 Release π
Jan 13th, 2025
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Fix: Test case getting removed from logical test suite after editing the test case.
- Fix: Edit Lineage Operation not working with isOwner() condition
- Fix: EditLineage permission not allowing users to edit the lineage.
- Fix: ViewAll permission not working with matchAnyTag() and isOwner() conditions
- Fix: Vulnerability security on 1.5.6 version package
- Fix: DBT Data ingestion not working.
- Fix: Table owners not shown properly after a dbt ingestion and re-indexing.
- Fix: Glossary Listing Limits to 50 without scrolling to next page.
- Fix: Mask encrypted password for email.
- Fix: Profiler failing on ingesting data type for postgres.
- Fix: Column lineage ingestion failed to parse column due to subquery raw_name AttributeError.
- Fix: Data Insight Tier Filter does not work.
- Fix: Add depth support for storage connector.
- Fix: Replace the description editor with a new block editor.
- Fix: Redshift Metadata ingestion failing for Stored Procedure.
- Fix: Lineage view not showing all the nodes in case of circular lineage.
- Fix: Deleting Data Product should delete the data asset relationships.
- Fix: styling (color, icon) is lost if a glossaryTerm is updated via the bulk upload.
- Fix: Unable to see complete column type info for long column type.
- Fix: ApiEndpoint reindexing failure.
- Fix: Auto Classification Ingestion - AttributeError: 'DataType' object has no attribute 'dialect_impl'.
- Fix: Adding the profiler for doris failing to execute.
- Fix: Unable to remove existing values from custom property (enum data type).
- Fix: Custom DI description getting added with HTML p tag. (Collate)
- Fix: Knowledge Page hierarchy state doesn't persist on refresh. (Collate)
- Fix: Reindex Page Entitiy is Missing on Collate. (Collate)
- Fix: Avoid pluralizing for custom charts. (Collate)
- Improvement: Ability to sort the DI charts based on date or term.
- Improvement: Support test connection api cancellation on click of cancel.
- Improvement: Highlight the search term for schema table on table details page.
- Improvement: Add Algorithm option for authentication token validation in yaml.
- Improvement: Make all Test Suites executable.
- Improvement: Activity feed pagination.
- Improvement: Add the missing filters for different assets in the Automator(Ex. Database filter for Database Schema asset). (Collate)
- Improvement: Add Glossary Term and Metric as assets for Automation. (Collate)
Full Changelog:
1.6.1 Release π
Dec 10th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
Backward Incompatible Changes
Ingestion Workflow Status
We are updating how we compute the success percentage. Previously, we took into account for partial success the results of the Source (e.g., the tables we were able to properly retrieve from Snowflake, Redshift, etc.). This means that we had an error threshold in there were if up to 90% of the tables were successfully ingested, we would still consider the workflow as successful. However, any errors when sending the information to OpenMetadata would be considered as a failure.
Now, we're changing this behavior to consider the success rate of all the steps involved in the workflow. The UI will then show more Partial Success
statuses rather than Failed
, properly reflecting the real state of the workflow.
Database Metadata & Lineage Workflow
With 1.6 Release we are moving the View Lineage
& Stored Procedure Lineage
computation from metadata workflow to lineage workflow.
This means that we are removing the overrideViewLineage
property from the DatabaseServiceMetadataPipeline
schema which will be moved to the DatabaseServiceQueryLineagePipeline
Profiler & Auto Classification Workflow
We are creating a new Auto Classification
workflow that will take care of managing the sample data and PII classification, which was previously done by the Profiler workflow. This change will allow us to have a more modular and scalable system.
The Profiler workflow will now only focus on the profiling part of the data, while the Auto Classification will take care of the rest.
This means that we are removing these properties from the DatabaseServiceProfilerPipeline
which will be moved to the newDatabaseServiceAutoClassificationPipeline
What you will need to do:
- If you are using the EXTERNAL ingestion for the profiler (YAML configuration), you will need to update your configuration, removing these properties as well.
- If you still want to use the Auto PII Classification and sampling features, you can create the new workflow from the UI.
RBAC Policy Updates for EditTags
We have given more granularity to the EditTags
policy. Previously, it was a single policy that allowed the user to manage any kind of tagging to the assets, including adding tags, glossary terms, and Tiers.
Now, we have split this policy to give further control on which kind of tagging the user can manage. The EditTags
policy has been split into:
: to add tags.EditGlossaryTerms
: to add Glossary Terms.EditTier
: to add Tier tags.
Collate - Metadata Actions for ML Tagging - Deprecation Notice
Since we are introducing the Auto Classification
workflow, we are going to remove in 1.7 the ML Tagging
action from the Metadata Actions. That feature will be covered already by the Auto Classification
workflow, which even brings more flexibility allow the on-the-fly usage of the sample data for classification purposes without having to store it in the database.
Service Spec for the Ingestion Framework
This impacts users who maintain their own connectors for the ingestion framework that are NOT part of the OpenMetadata python library (openmetadata-ingestion). Introducing the "connector specifcication class (ServiceSpec
)". The ServiceSpec
class serves as the entrypoint for the connector and holds the references for the classes that will be used to ingest and process the metadata from the source. You can see postgres for an implementation example.
The filtering of Fivetran pipelines now supports using their names instead of IDs. This change may affect existing configurations that rely on pipeline IDs for filtering.
DBT Cloud Pipeline Service
We are removing the field jobId
which we required to ingest dbt metadata from a specific job, instead of this we added a new field called jobIds
which will accept multiple job ids to ingest metadata from multiple jobs.
The serviceType
for MicroStrategy connector is renamed from Mstr
to MicroStrategy
What's New
Visualizing Your Data Landscape with Entity Relationship (ER) Diagrams! (Collate)
Understanding complex database schemas can be challenging without clear visualization. While OpenMetadata's best-in-class Lineage UI helps track data flow, there are better options for viewing structural relationships between tables. Collate 1.6 introduces ER diagrams as a new feature to let you:
- Visualize table connections through primary and foreign key constraints
- Navigate between data assets to discover relationships
- Modify connections using the built-in UI editor
ER diagrams help you better understand and manage your data architecture by showing how your database tables relate to each other.
Establishing Smooth Data Governance with Automated Glossary Approval Workflows! (Collate)
Organizations often struggle with data governance due to rigid, pre-defined manual workflows. OpenMetadata 1.6 introduces a new, automated data governance framework designed to be customized to each organization's needs.
In Collate 1.6, the Glossary Approval Workflow has been migrated to this new framework. Now, you can create custom approval processes with specific conditions and rules and easily visualize them through intuitive workflow diagrams. You can also create smart approval processes for glossary terms with real-time state changes and task creation to save time and streamline work.
Data Certification Workflows for Automated Bronze, Silver, & Gold Data Standardization! (Collate)
Collate 1.6 also leverages the new data governance framework for a new Data Certification Workflow, allowing you to define your organization's rules to certify your data as Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Certified assets are a great way to help users discover the right data and inform them which data has been properly curated.
Our vision is to expand our governance framework to allow our users to create their own Custom Governance workflows. We want to enable data teams to implement and automate data governance processes that perfectly fit your organization, promoting data quality and compliance.
Maintaining a Healthy Data Platform with Observability Dashboards! (Collate)
Monitoring data quality and incident management across platforms can be challenging. OpenMetadata has been a pillar for data quality implementations, with its ability to create tests from the UI, native observability alerts, and Incident Manager. It offers data quality insights on a per-table level.
In Collate 1.6, we're introducing platform-wide observability dashboards that allow you to track overall data quality coverage trends and analyze incident response performance across your entire data estate. Quickly identify root causes through enhanced asset and lineage views and enable proactive data quality management across your entire data ecosystem.
Elevating Metric Management with Dedicated Metric Entities
Metrics are essential for data-driven organizations, but OpenMetadata previously lacked dedicated metric management, forcing users to use glossary terms as a workaround.
The new "Metric" entity in OpenMetadata 1.6 provides a purpose-built solution to:
- Document detailed metric calculations and descriptions
- Record calculation formulas and implementation code (Python, Java, SQL, LaTeX)
- Visualize metric lineage from source data to insights
This new addition helps teams better manage, understand, and calculate their business KPIs, for improved data literacy and consistency across data teams.
Reinforcing Data Security with Search RBAC
OpenMetadata's Roles and Policies enable granular permission control, ensuring appropriate access to metadata across different domains and teams. Some data teams may wish to enable data discovery to search for other tables while still enforcing controls with access requests. Other data teams in more restrictive environments may also wish to control the search experience.
OpenMetadata 1.6 extends Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to search functionality, allowing administrators to tailor user search experience. This provides personalized search results, with users only seeing assets they have permission to access, as well as stronger data governance by ensuring users only interact with data within their defined roles and responsibilities.
Expanded Connector Ecosystem and Diversity
OpenMetadata's ingestion framework contains 90+ native connectors. These connectors are the foundation of the platform and bring in all the metadata your team needs: technical metadata, lineage, usage, profiling, etc.
We bring new connectors in each release, continuously expanding our coverage. This time, release 1.6 comes with seven new connectors:
OpenAPI: Extract rich metadata from OpenAPI specifications, including endpoints and schemas.
Sigma: Bringing in your BI dashboard information.
Exasol: Gain insights into your Exasol database, now supported thanks to Nicola Coretti's OSS contribution!
And in Collate, we are bringing four ETL, dashboarding and ML tools: Matillion, Azure Data Factory, Stitch, PowerBI Server and Vertex AI!
Streamlining Data Management with Additional Enhancements
Release 1.6 comes with several other notable improvements:
- Asynchronous Export APIs: Enjoy increased efficiency when exporting and importing large datasets with new asynchronous APIs.
- Faster Search Re-indexing: Experience significantly improved performance in search re-indexing, making data discovery even smoother.
- Improved Data Insights Custom Dashboards UI (Collate): To make it even easier to write your own insights dashboards in Collate.
- Slack Integration (Collate): Collate is releasing a new Application that lets your users find and share assets directly within your Slack workspace!
- Alert Debuggability: Allowing users to test the destinations and see whenever the alert was triggered.
- And even more fixes and improvements!
Full Changelog:
1.5.15 Release π
Dec 17th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Minor - Fix clean_uri and add before pagination
- Fix downloading of app logs
- Fix query builder state issues
- Fix : Handle Index out of bounds exception in feed api
- Minor: DBT v12 Model Changes
- Fix database and schema aggregation key
Full Changelog:
1.5.14 Release
Dec 12th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Minor: Fix Powerbi refresh token on expire
- Minor: Snowflake Support Alter Table Swap Lineage
- Fixes: microstrategy test connection
- Minor: Fix dbt source file issue
- Fix: dbt manifest parsing issue
- Minor - Add APIs to Ref Map
- Minor: Domain only access policy prevents bots from listing
Full Changelog:
1.5.13 Release
Nov 28th, 2024
What's Changed
- Fix Microstrategy Login Mode
- Add Snowflake UDF Lineage Support
Full Changelog:
1.5.12 Release
Nov 26th, 2024
What's Changed
- Improvement: Added async apis for csv import.
- Improvement: Skip domain check for bots and admin
- Improvement: MYSQL lineage and usage.
- Minor: Added Lineage Field back to SearchLineage.
- Fix: Database is missing from the search dropdown
- Fix: Bad Representation of owners.
- Fix: The Daily Active Users Summary Card in Data Insights.
- Fix: The processing of URL Encoded Assets in Data Insights.
- Fix: Column Level Lineage export.
- Fix: Store procedure yielding by adding Try/Except.
- Fix: Lineage export when there is no column / pipeline edge.
Full Changelog**:
1.5.11 Release
Nov 15th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Improvement: Search Index App, Parallelize the search indexing process.
- Improvement: Mask SQL Queries where conditions data in Usage & Lineage Workflow.
- Improvement: Databricks query run optimization to reduce the costs in retrieving metadata.
- Improvement: Added support for lineage default depth settings. Admins can control the default Lineage Upstream and Downstream depth.
- Improvement: Add Column Value to be At Expected Location Test.
- Improvement: Scaling Export API to 10000s of assets, Introduced Async API and push export data using websockets
- Fix: User count doesn't update on adding to the team while using search.
- Fix: Sample data json formatting while displaying in the UI.
- Fix: Return s3 endpoint as str() instead of Url.
- Fix: Materialized View Lineage.
- Fix: Custom property save config.
Full Changelog:
1.5.10 Release
Oct 31st, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Fix encoding issue for teams search query.
- Fix disable empty rule for query builder widget.
- Fix unable to add more enum values for enum cp.
- Fix navigate to listing for deleting a service.
Full Changelog:
1.5.9 Release
Oct 29th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Prepare App Framework to handle application limits
- Add Query Builder widget
- Revamp MetaPilot as Collate AI and add limits (Collate only)
- Fix EntityLink for names with brackets
- Fix backend database Azure auth
- Mask Greenplum secrets on the UI
Full Changelog:
1.5.8 Release
Oct 23rd, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Minor: Add location path to a table entity.
- Minor: Do not include soft deleted assets in the Data Insight.
- Minor: Supported total unique user count on the Team page.
- Fix: Add Azure Token Base Authentication
- Fix: Hive Meta store connection issue.
- Fix: Issues in zh language search index mapping.
- Fix: Live index is on test suite creation.
- Fix: LocationPath Index.
- Fix: Mode dashboard ingestion API call.
- Fix: Mode test connection returns data in dict instead of JSON.
- Fix: Quicksight lineage source.
- Fix: Task deserialization in Airflow metadata ingestion.
- Fix: Web analytic activity being reset.
Full Changelog:
1.5.7 Release
Oct 17th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Feature: Add table-type custom property.
- Feature: support Persian language option
- Feature: Postgres stored procedures support.
- Feature: Allow Custom Property Update in Glossary Bulk Import/export.
- Improvement: Remove table details from table level Import/Export, allowing updates only for column details.
- MINOR: looker exclude version.
- MINOR: Add deleteEntityByFQNPrefix.
- MINOR: Reduce lineage response size.
- MINOR: Updated pyiceberg version to 0.5.1
- MINOR: Fix dark border shown in navbar on UI.
- MINOR: Add column case sensitivity parameter.
- MINOR: Pagination with search on service page.
- MINOR: Added loader in activity feed open and closed count.
- MINOR: Superset get primitive datatype in case of array, struct.
- MINOR: fix term references validation msg on glossary import.
- MINOR: supported search filter and only all show in case of all node value selected.
- Fix: Fix PinotDB Ingestion.
- Fix: MSAL popup auth issue.
- Fix: Fix Alerts for Test Suites.
- Fix: Added Glue Pipeline Lineage.
- Fix: ClassGraph performance issue.
- Fix: Superset query for mysql con.
- Fix: Empty Connection Overwrite Logic.
- Fix: Couchbase columns not fetched fix.
- Fix: Quicksight Ingestion Error handled.
- Fix: DBT Manifest and Run results parsing.
- Fix: Increase MAX_AGGREGATE_SIZE in search.
- Fix: Add display name field in the advanced search filter.
- Fix: On dashboard soft delete, chart should not be visible.
- Fix: Fix the automator page breaking when no source is selected.
- Fix: Salesforce table description from label if not through query.
- Fix: Add Import/export support for table type custom property in glossary.
- Fix: Fix exception in search due to exception in database.displayName and databaseSchema.aggregation.
- MINOR: Knowledge Center publicationDate mismatch error (Collate)
- MINOR: Add owner label for knowledge center right panel (Collate)
- Fix: Automator pagination & improvments (Collate)
- Fix: ArchiveLog to FALSE for test connection (Collate)
- Fix: Knowledge Page deletion is not deleting from the search index (Collate)`,
Full Changelog:
1.5.6 Release
Oct 3rd, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Fixed MSTR connector import.
- Show displayName for database and databaseSchema in explore tree.
- Allow PowerBI datamodel children in column lineage.
- Fixed manifest is not parsed correctly on dbt versionless.
- Fixed lineage & queries in dbt.
- Added DBT tests with versionless and fixed v7 parsing.
- Reset displayName to avoid being persisted while editing user display name.
- Fixed incorrect schema implementations in Swagger annotations.
- Resolved type null exception on user feed.
- Addressed missing cast to str.
- Fixed DI Missing Dashboard Description Status.
- Fixed SAML redirect leads to 404 page on UI.
- Fixed General Profiler Bugs.
- Fixed time format for the created_at of the DBT cloud pipeline status.
- Fixed role page size from 10 to 50.
- Fixed Search Indexing.
- Improved AlationSink connector.
- Fixed sktime version to fix AUT
- Fixed Expected ColumnLineage but got dict
- Improved Collate API with Knowledge Center routes. (Collate)
Full Changelog:
1.5.5 Release
Sep 25th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Made the type optional in ES Response.
- Added support for refresh tokens with multiple tabs open.
- Resolved issue of overriding user info after login.
- Updated the custom property entities data model, along with the data product and database schema icons.
- Ensured Teams and Owner fields are correctly passed in the policy API call.
- Enhanced PII logging information.
- Addressed the paginate_es issue in OpenSearch.
- Decrypted JWT internally for system health checks.
- Implemented multithreading in View Lineage Processing.
- Improved search relevancy.
- Resolved issue with owners patch.
- Fixed Snowflake data diff issue.
- Updated Presidio Analyzer version and validated support for legal entities.
- Added validations for Salesforce connection.
- Allowed PII Processor to operate without storing sample data.
- Added seconds to the human-readable format scale for test case graphs.
- Added missing field in glossary term.
- Excluded defaultPersona if not present in personas.
- Resolved team export issue.
- Updated Python lineage SDK to work with UUID and FQN models.
- Fixed LDAP login issue.
- Column sizing of data quality and pipeline widget (Collate)
- Export with new line in description (Collate)
- Fix Page entity publicationDate datatype (Collate)
Full Changelog:
1.5.4 Release
Sep 13th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's Changed
- Hotfix to the Term Aggregation size on Data Insights
- ES pagination with error handling
- Updated Domain in Docker Compose & Docs
- Fix Classification API returns Table class for restore
- Fix Redshift View Def regex_replace Error
- Make ingestion pipeline APIs public
- Updating the domain PRINCIPAL DOMAIN
- Glossary list selector for bulk import
- Unable to access the import glossary page
- Fix token limitations using config
- Fix Automator pagination
- Fix MetaPilot push for no constraint
Full Changelog:
1.5.3 Release
Sep 9th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's New
- Added resizable columns for custom properties
- Added support for automated ingestion of Tableau data source tags and description
- Improved "follow data" landing page module performance
- Improved search result suggestion by showing display name instead of FQN
- Fixed Cost Analysis issue when service has no connection
- Improved PII classification for JSON data types
- Fixed issue with expand all operation on terms page
- Fixed feed freezing when large images are part of the feed results
- Fixed dbt run_results file name with dbt cloud connection
- Cleaned Argo logs artifacts
- Shipped VertexAI Connector
- Fixed automator lineage propagation issues with possible None entities
Full Changelog:
1.5.2 Release
Sep 2nd, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
What's New
- Resolved issue with lineage lookup for long Fully Qualified Names (FQNs), ensuring accurate lineage tracking and display.
- Fixed the 'Edit Reviewers' permission issue, allowing correct permission management for editing reviewers.
- Addressed email update issues to ensure that email addresses are properly updated throughout the system.
- Fixed the delete lineage functionality to handle cases where override lineage is enabled, preventing errors and ensuring consistency.
- Added support for the 'Edit Assign' button in the Incident Manager, allowing for easier assignment changes.
- Introduced a resizable layout for the glossary page, improving usability and adaptability to different screen sizes.
- Enhanced the display of tier tags with improved styling for better visibility and distinction.
- Pick email and name based on claim values at login. This update ensures that user details are automatically populated during the login process, streamlining user experience.
- Added custom properties support in Data Product.
Full Changelog:
1.5.1 Release
Aug 28th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
Backward Incompatible Changes
Multi Owners
OpenMetadata allows a single user or a team to be tagged as owners for any data assets. In Release 1.5.1, we allow users to tag multiple individual owners or a single team. This will allow organizations to add ownership to multiple individuals without necessarily needing to create a team around them like previously.
This is a backward incompatible change, if you are using APIs, please make sure the owner field is now changed to βownersβ
Import/Export Format
To support the multi-owner format, we have now changed how we export and import the CSV file in glossary, services, database, schema, table, etc. The new format will be user:userName;team:TeamName
If you are importing an older file, please make sure to make this change.
Pydantic V2
The core of OpenMetadata are the JSON Schemas that define the metadata standard. These schemas are automatically translated into Java, Typescript, and Python code with Pydantic classes.
In this release, we have migrated the codebase from Pydantic V1 to Pydantic V2.
Deployment Related Changes (OSS only)
OpenMetadata community has built rolling upgrades to database schema and the data to make upgrades easier. This tool is now called as ./bootstrap/ and has been part of our releases since 1.3. The
doesnβt support new native schemas in OpenMetadata. Hence, we have deleted this tool from this release.
While upgrading, please refer to our Upgrade Notes in the documentation. Always follow the best practices provided there.
Database Connection Pooling
OpenMetadata uses Jdbi to handle database-related operations such as read/write/delete. In this release, we introduced additional configs to help with connection pooling, allowing the efficient use of a database with low resources.
Please update the defaults if your cluster is running at a large scale to scale up the connections efficiently.
For the new configuration, please refer to the doc here
Data Insights
The Data Insights application is meant to give you a quick glance at your data's state and allow you to take action based on the information you receive. To continue pursuing this objective, the application was completely refactored to allow customizability.
Part of this refactor was making Data Insights an internal application, no longer relying on an external pipeline. This means triggering Data Insights from the Python SDK will no longer be possible.
With this change you will need to run a backfill on the Data Insights for the last couple of days since the Data Assets data changed.
UI Changes
New Explore Page
Explore page displays hierarchically organized data assets by grouping them into services > database > schema > tables/stored procedures
. This helps users organically find the data asset they are looking for based on a known database or schema they were using. This is a new feature and changes the way the Explore page was built in previous releases.
Connector Schema Changes
In the latest release, several updates and enhancements have been made to the JSON schema across various connectors. These changes aim to improve security, configurability, and expand integration capabilities. Here's a detailed breakdown of the updates:
- KafkaConnect: Added
to enhance topic configuration flexibility for schema registries. - GCS Datalake: Introduced
field, allowing users to specify targeted storage buckets within the Google Cloud Storage environment. - OpenLineage: Added
to enhance security by enabling SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) configuration. - Salesforce: Added sslConfig to strengthen the security layer for Salesforce connections by supporting SSL.
- DeltaLake: Updated schema by moving metastoreConnection to a newly created
file. Additionally, introducedconfigSource
to better define source configurations, with new support formetastoreConfig.json
. - Iceberg RestCatalog: Removed clientId and
as mandatory fields, making the schema more flexible for different authentication methods. - DBT Cloud Pipelines: Added as a new connector to support cloud-native data transformation workflows using DBT.
- Looker: Expanded support to include connections using GitLab integration, offering more flexible and secure version control.
- Tableau: Enhanced support by adding capabilities for connecting with
, providing more granular control over data visualization and reporting.
Include DDL
During the Database Metadata ingestion, we can optionally pick up the DDL for both tables and views. During the metadata ingestion, we use the view DDLs to generate the View Lineage.
To reduce the processing time for out-of-the-box workflows, we are disabling the include DDL by default, whereas before, it was enabled, which potentially led to long-running workflows.
Secrets Manager
Starting with the release 1.5.1, the JWT Token for the bots will be sent to the Secrets Manager if you configured one. It won't appear anymore in your dag_generated_configs in Airflow.
Python SDK
The metadata insight
command has been removed. Since Data Insights application was moved to be an internal system application instead of relying on external pipelines the SDK command to run the pipeline was removed.
What's New
Data Observability with Anomaly Detection (Collate)
OpenMetadata has been driving innovation in Data Quality in Open Source. Many organizations are taking advantage of the following Data Quality features to achieve better-quality data
- A Native Profiler to understand the shape of the data, freshness, completeness, volume, and ability to add your own metrics, including column level profiler over time-series and dashboards
- No-code data quality tests, deploy, collect results back to see it in a dashboard all within OpenMetadata
- Create alerts and get notified of Test results through email, Slack, NSteams, GChat, and Webhook
- Incident Manager to collaborate around test failures and visibility to downstream consumers of failures from upstream
In 1.5.1, we are bringing in Anomaly Detection based on AI to predict when an anomaly happens based on our learning historical data and automatically sending notifications to the owners of the table to warn them of the impending incidents
Enhanced Data Quality Dashboard (Collate)
We also have improved the Table Data quality dashboard to showcase the tests categorized and make it easy for everyone to consume. When there are issues, the new dashboard makes it easier to understand the Data Quality coverage of your tables and the possible impact each test failure has by organizing tests into different groups.
Freshness Data Quality Tests (Collate)
Working with old data can lead to making wrong decisions. With the new Freshness test, you can validate that your data arrives at the right time. Freshness tests are a critical part of any data team's toolset. Bringing these tests together with lineage information and the Incident Manager, your team will be able to quickly detect issues related to missing data or stuck pipelines.
Data Diff Data Quality Tests
Data quality checks are important not only within a single table but also between different tables. These data diff checks can ensure key data remains unchanged after transformation, or conversely, ensure that the transformations were actually performed.
We are introducing the table difference data quality test to validate that multiple appearances of the same information remain consistent. Note that the test allows you to specify which column to use as a key and which columns you want to compare, and even add filters in the data to give you more control over multiple use cases.
Domains RBAC & Subdomains
OpenMetadata introduced Domains & Data Products in 1.3.0. Since then, many large organizations have started using Domains & Data Products to achieve better ownership and collaboration around domains that can span multiple teams.
In the 1.5.1 release, we added support for subdomains. This will help teams to organize into multiple subdomains within each domain.
RBAC for Domains
With the 1.5.1 release, we are adding more stricter controls around Domain. Now, teams, data assets, glossaries, and classification can have domain concepts and can get a policy such that only users within a domain can access the data within a domain. Domain owners can use Data Products to publish data products and showcase publicly available data assets from a specific domain.
This will help large companies to use a single OpenMetadata platform to unify all of their data and teams but also provide more stringent controls to segment the data between domains
Improved Explore Page & Data Asset Widget
OpenMetadata, with its simple UI/UX and data collaboration features, is becoming more attractive to non-technical users as well. Data Governance teams are using OpenMetadata to add glossary terms and policies around metadata. Teams using Collate SaaS product are taking advantage of our Automations feature to gain productivity in their governance tasks.
Our new improved navigation on the Explore page will help users navigate hierarchically and find the data they are looking for. Users will see the data assets now grouped by service name -> database -> schema -> tables/stored procedures
We are also making the discovery of data more accessible for users introducing a data asset widget, which will group the assets by platform type. This will help users find their data if they are working on a specific platform such as Looker or Snowflake they can easily click on that icon and get to the data.
Pipeline Status Widget (Collate)
We are also adding another widget you can use to customize the Landing Page of the User Personas in your organization.
With the Pipeline Status widget, Data Engineers can easily track the pipelines that are not behaving as expected. This widget, together with the obervability alerts that are already in place, will help your teams jump even faster to solving any issues in the platform.
API as Data Asset
The Internet runs using APIs, both producing and consuming data. Organizations today run many microservices and REST APIs to capture data from their users and update a transaction database in the backend.
On top of the many supported connectors across Databases, Dashboards, ML Models, etc. We believe that providing support for API Services as data assets will help to get the full picture of how the data is coming through from various services and landing into databases, going to warehouses and BI tools.
In 1.5.1 we are introducing APIs as another first-class entity. Teams can now capture API requests and responses payloads and use our column level lineage to capture the relation between APIs and any other asset in the platform.
Glossary Improvements
OpenMetadata supports multiple glossaries, an import/export and review process, and bulk asset tagging with glossary terms. Many teams are taking advantage of these features, and with an amazing open-source community, we are receiving great feedback on improving glossary functionality.
Here are some of the improvements coming in 1.5.1:
- Glossary Reviewers can be teams
- Updating a glossary will enforce a re-review
- Renaming the Glossary Term while it's under review will keep the task associated with it open
Data Insights (Collate)
The Data Insights application is meant to give you a quick glance of your data's state and allow you to take action based on the information you receive.
To continue pursuing this objective, the application was completely refactored to allow customizability. This is achieved by the possibility of now creating custom dashboards. On this release you can create charts based on your data assets metadata based on your needs.
Ingestion Connectors
90+ connectors to help teams to centralize metadata. We continue to push the boundaries of this mission, in
- Apache Flink as a Pipeline Connector
- SAP ERP, after a long and successful collaboration with our community and SAP experts
- Teradata as a community contribution from gbpy to broaden the integration capabilities for enterprise-scale analytics and data management.
- GCS Storage Connector as a community contribution from Matt Chamberlin
Full Changelog:
1.4.8 Release
August 6th, 2024
- Make
Include ddl
disabled by default - Made DDL configuration consistent with views
- Fix user profile task listing.
- Fix import/export UI flow (Collate).
- Improve SAML logging backend.
- Add Unity Catalog Lineage Dialect.
- Clean idle connections during ingestion.
- Fix Databricks Describe Table during metadata ingestion.
- Glossary Upload now shows permissions errors for non-owners.
- Fix task not showing in the right panel after clicking, in the Activity Feed.
- Support multiple dbt run_results.json for a single manifest for improved performance.
1.4.7 Release
August 6th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Resolved issue with Azure login related to email principal claims.
1.4.6 Release
August 2nd, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Fix lineage PATCH API for ingestion.
- Fix Trino Azure config secret masking.
- Fix setuptools version due to yanked setuptools release.
- Fix MSSQL busy connection error during test connection.
- Fixed test case summary updates.
- Fixed Test Suite indexing.
- Fix repeated alerts being sent after no changes in the Entity.
- Fixed an issue handling users with capital letters.
- Centralize OIDC flow handling.
- Fixed Ingestion Pipeline alert URL.
1.4.5 Release
July 19th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Improve query filtering with prepared statements.
- Bug fix in regex to match test case when using sampled data.
- Bug fix in global profiler config for Snowflake, Redshift, and BigQuery.
- Bug fix for Arg mismatch for DataModels in QlikSense.
1.4.4 Release
July 4th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Introduced SSL for Salesforce
- Fixed the claim mappings and usernames
- Fixed issues in Salesforce connector
- FIxed issues in Alation connector
- Verified for changes in new env for claim mapping
1.4.3 Release
June 15th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Fixed User Signup Flow Issue missing authorize.
- Fixed vulnerabilities for azure-identity and msal4j.
1.4.2 Release
June 10th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
- In OpenMetadata, we support connecting the data assets to the knowledge articles. The knowledge articles that are pulled from the Alation connector have image URLs. We have enhanced the Alation connector to download and display the images in the Knowledge Articles.
- Test cases can now be filtered by Service, Tag, and Tier.
- One team or multiple users can be selected as reviewers for a Glossary term.,
- Updated the openmetadata.yaml to remove WebAnalyticsHandler.,
- Add appType as part of the schema in the ingestion pipeline.,
- We now sanitize the Activity Feed editor content.
- Fixed the lineage view for tables with many columns.
- Fixed an issue with updating the lineage edge descriptions.
- Fixed an issue with Null Schema Field.
- Fixed the glossary term review process issues.
- Fixed the Kafka SSL connection arguments.
- Fixed an issue with dbt ingestion pipeline that was occurring due to non enum values.
- Fixed an issue with Announcements.
- Fixed redirection issues for Tags and Glossary Terms.
- Fixed a minor issue with filtering the Profiler.
- Fixed the registration Issue with Event Handlers.
- Fixed the sign-in issues with SAML.
- Fixed issues with partition migration with Redshift services.
- Fixed an issue with the Quicksight connector.
- Fixed some minor issues with the user Profile page.
- Fixed some issues with the Teams page.
1.4.1 Release
May 27th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
In 1.4.1, we provide migration fixes on top of the 1.4.0 release. Do check out the 1.4.0 release highlights below.
1.4.0 Release π
May 21th, 2024
You can find the GitHub release here.
Backward Incompatible Changes
- Metadata Backup/Recovery is deprecated. No further support will be provided.
- Users are advised to use database native tools to backup and store it in their object store for recovery.
has been deprecated in favor of bootstrap/
- Activity has been improved. New update specific cards display critical information such as data quality test case updates, description, tag update or removal.
- For Lineage, the Expand All button has been removed. A new Layers button is introduced at the bottom left corner. With the Layers button, you can add Column Level Lineage or Data Observability details to your Lineage view.
- View Definition is now renamed as Schema Definition.
- Adding Glossary Term view is improved. Now we show glossary terms hierarchically enabling a better understanding of how the terms are setup while adding it to a table or dashboard.
- For Classification, users can set classification to be mutually exclusive only at the time of creation. Once created, you cannot change it back to mutually non-exclusive or vice-versa. This is to prevent conflicts of adding multiple tags that belong to same classification and later turning the mutually exclusive flag back to true.
- Table Schema's
is now renamed toSchemaDefinition
to capture Tables' Create Schema. - Bulk Import API now creates entities if they are not present during the import.
- Table's TestSuite is migrated to EntityReference. Previously it used to store entire payload of TestSuite.
Automator (Collate only)
- Easily maintain high-quality metadata at scale with automations. The Automator streamlines governance processes from ownership assignments to tagging, ensuring compliance and consistency.
- You can update the properties of your assets by filtering by service, owner, domain, or any other supported property from the advanced search.
- Easily see which assets have been selected by jumping to the Explore page in one click.
- For tables, data models, topics, and search indexes, you can apply the action to their columns or fields.
- We added support for the following actions: adding and removing owner, tier, domain, tags, glossary terms and descriptions, ML PII tagging, and propagation of tags and glossary terms through lineage.
Bulk Upload Data Assets (Collate only)
- Bulk upload/download database, schema, and table entities from/into a CSV file for quick edition or creation.
- Supports an inline editor to validate/update assets before performing the upload.
- APIs are available in OSS.
Data Quality Improvements
- The Table schema page now shows the Data Quality tests for each column.
- Improved filtering options for test suite and test cases.
- We have improved how the UI fetches the Data Quality details for improved performance.
- We now compute Unique and Count in the same query to avoid inconsistency due to the high frequency of data insertion.
- Fixed the issue with removing the test case description upon the test case display name change.
- Support has been added for an empty string as a missing count.
Data Profiler
- Implemented a global profiler configuration page, allowing admin to exclude certain metric computations for specific data types.
- Added profiler support for Redshift complex types and DynamoDB.
- Fixed an issue with performing sum operations for large values in profiler ingestion.
- Fixed the histogram unit's issues with scientific notation.
Incident Manager
- We now display a sample of failed rows for the latest failed test cases. Once the issue is resolved, the failed sample will be deleted. (Collate Only)
- Fixed the Date time filter for the Incident Manager.
- Notifications are sent for the tasks created by the Incident Manager.
Lineage Improvements - Video on Column Lineage Search
- Column Lineage Search
- Lineage Layers
- OpenMetadata already supports Column-level lineage, and now we have introduced Task-level lineage for Pipelines, Chart-level lineage for Dashboards, Feature-level lineage for ML Models, Field-level lineage for Topics, and columns for dashboard Data Models.
- Automated column-level lineage is now supported for Tableau, Superset, QlikCloud, and QlikSense between Data Models and Tables.
- The child nodes in a lineage graph are sorted in alphabetical order.
- Improved the log of failed-to-parse queries.
- Fixed an issue with automated column-level lineage overwriting the pipeline lineage and manual column lineage.
- Snowflake & Databricks now support automated lineage between external tables and their origin storage container.
- Lineage can be exported as a CSV file.
- OpenMetadata spark agent now supports automated lineage between tables and their origin storage container.
- Fixed an issue with parsing lineage queries for Redshift.
- Now, we support pipeline as an edge between any two entity types.
- We now parse PowerBi DAX files for lineage.
- Support has been added for dynamic tables.
Data Insights
- Previously, the data insights reports displayed only the percentage coverage of ownership and description. Now, users can drill down to view the data assets with no owner or description.
- Improved the UX for data insight filters.
Cost Analysis (Collate Only)
- Lifecycle data for Cost Analysis has been implemented for BigQuery, Snowflake, and Redshift.
Custom Theme
- Previously supported adding logo, monogram, and favicon to your OpenMetadata instance.
- Now, it supports customizing the theme with colors to suit your company branding.
Landing Page Widgets (Collate Only)
- A widget was added to list the pipelines that belong to a user or their team.
- Added a Data Quality Widget to list the summary of data quality tests belonging to a user or their team.
Ingestion Performance Improvements
- Bigquery, Redshift, and Snowflake now support incremental metadata ingestions by scanning DML operations on the query history.
- Database Services now support parallelizing the metadata ingestion at each schema.
- Now supports a new connector for QlikCloud.
- New Kafka Connect connector
- We now parse complex protobuf schemas for Kafka
- Improved model storage ingestion for Sagemaker and Mlflow.
- Added an option to include or exclude drafts from dashboards.
- Added an option to include or exclude paused pipelines in Airflow.
- Revamped SSL support to allow users to upload the required certificates directly in the UI.
- The character support has been enhanced for tag ingestion to include /.
- In the Oracle connector, we rolled back to use all* tables instead of dba*.
- Added support for Azure auth in Trino.
- For QlikSense, we have added an option to disable SSL validation.
Custom Properties
- Custom Properties now allow linking other assets in the platform, such as Tables, Dashboards, etc. To enable this, create a Custom Property as an Entity Reference or Entity Reference List.
- The glossary term parent can now be changed from the Details page.
- On the data assets page, glossary terms are displayed by hierarchy.
Alerts & Notification Improvements
- The Activity Feed provides more contextual information, removing the need to move to entity pages.
- Alerts give more accurate information about the entity, as well as conversations and tasks.
- Fixed localization issues in the confirmation logic for the delete function.
- Fixed the search index language configuration.
- Now, roles can be inherited from the user configuration in SSO.
- You can now filter by assets without a description or an owner.
- Improved the match results for search results.
- The description is auto-expanded when the data asset has no data and has the space to accommodate a lengthy description.
- User email IDs have been masked and are only visible to Admins.
- Users can filter Queries by owner, tag, and creation date in the UI.
- Added a button in the Query Editor to copy the Query.
- Improved Elasticsearch re-indexing.
- Improved the charts based on custom metrics.
- Improved the usage of the refresh token.
- Redundant scroll bars have been removed from the UI.
- Improved the bot role binding to provide more control over which roles are passed to the system bots.
1.3.4 Release π
2024, May 12th
- Fixes reindex issues related to the
payload of some entities - Adds Cypress tests to validate reindex app execution
1.3.3 Release π
2024, April 19th
- Fix Application installation
- Fix JWT Filter validation against personal token
- Add Databricks SSL python dependencies
- Fix postgres app migrations
- Improve App UI preview
Full Changelog: link
1.3.2 Release
You can find the GitHub release here.
MetaPilot (Collate)
- New MetaPilot application shipped in preview mode. Try it out in the Sandbox!
- Get automatically generated descriptions with GenAI. Now itβs easier than ever to document your data assets.
- Chat with the MetaPilot and get SQL queries to help you extract relevant information from your data assets.
- Let the MetaPilot help you understand and improve the queries used on your tables.
Authentication Flow
- Added generic support for OIDC Authentication. This is SSO provider-agnostic.
- You can now integrate Confidential Clients to manage the server authentication.
- Now, the session renewal happens automatically in the backend.
Data Quality
- Pagination support was added for the Data Quality tab for data assets.
- Fixed an issue with execution summary timeout issue for the data quality test.
- New Bigtable connector.
- Now, users can configure the external sample data storage path.
- Added lineage support for Snowflake materialized view and masking policies.
- Fixed session invalidation on Databricks during long-running queries.
- Fixed Ingestion Pipeline list for services with the same name.
- Fixed an issue with ingesting lineage when data models are ingested from Tableau.
- Fixed metrics computations for empty tables.
- Improve PATCH generation for array fields.
Other Changes
- Avoid creating duplicated queries.
- Speed up the server start time by moving the Secrets Manager Migration to the migration container.
- Fixed the issue with the date filter for the Incident Manager.
- Fixed the issue with the Team filter for Data Insights.
- Fixed an issue with Azure SSO related to the MSAL version.
- Fixed an issue with search indexing.
- Fixed the missing input field for conversation source for alerts and notifications.
- Filter dashboards by a project on the Explore page.
Full Changelog: link
1.3.1 Release π
2024, February 29th
You can find the GitHub release here.
Knowledge Center (Collate)
- Supports drag and drop for the hierarchy of knowledge articles.
- Enhanced the layout and loading experience of the knowledge page.
- When adding a new node in Lineage, the Display Name is supported in search.
- Fixed the issues with displaying lineage from Metabase.
- Improved the automation of performance tests for Glossary.
- Performance improvements to display a large Glossary.
Data Insights
- Data Insights report has been improved.
- The cost Analysis report has been optimized.
- The format for Slack notifications has been improved.
Custom Properties
- Added enum type support for custom properties.
- Now BigQuery connector supports Primary, Foreign, and Unique Constraints. It fetches the column description for views.
- Captures the SQL query that powers a Tableau DataModel.
- Azure Key Vault is supported as a Secrets Manager.
- Fixed an issue with ingestion from Sagemaker, Oracle, LDAP, DB2, dbt, Kafka, Metabase, and Databricks.
- Fixed Looker projects and optional project filter patterns.
- Fixed issues with ingestion pipelines.
- Fixed an issue with the service display name after ingestion.
Other Changes
- The functionality for mutually exclusive tags has been disabled.
- PodGC set up for Argo workflows to delete the pods from the Kubernetes environment on a successful run of the pods.
- Fixed the issue with the display of the personal access token.
- Fixed the mentions in comments for Announcements.
- Fixed the issue with setting a Group as a Domain Owner.
- Fixed the issue with the tooltip in the data quality graph.
- Fixed an issue about notifying the Reviewer of a Glossary Term.
- Fixed the issues with testing the email settings.
- Fixed an issue with adding tags.
1.3.0 Release
2024, February 5th
You can find the GitHub release here.
- Revamped the lineage UI for an intuitive and comprehensive view of data flow and transformations.
- Organized nodes for better visibility with pagination support.
- Improved the display of circular dependencies.
- Nodes display the service icons, highlight dbt models, and show Data Quality results.
- Lineage can be filtered to search by Ownership, Domain, Service, Service Type, Tier, and Classification Tags.
- Supports search by Column and traces lineage even when the columns are renamed.
- Enhanced user control with collapsible sub-graphs.
- Supports editing the SQL queries for lineage edges from the UI.
- Performance improvements for faster load of large graphs.
Data Observability Alerts
- Data observability alerts have been distinguished from other general-purpose notifications, making it easy to get to the crucial alerts quickly.
- Sends alerts for schema changes and test case failures for the data assets that you follow.
- The overall flow has been simplified to let you easily create alerts for schema changes in your data.
- You can now get Data Quality alerts for specific Test Suites.
- Users will be alerted for all the changes to the data assets that they own.
Incident Manager
- Introduced Incidents Manager to improve the data quality resolution flow.
- Incidents Manager summarizes all the test case results with information about the failure severity and resolution flow.
- Supports assigning a resolution task to the users in OpenMetadata.
- Tasks are created when a data quality test has been assigned to an Assignee or a Reviewer.
- Resolved test failure also displays the comments posted on the resolution.
- The Resolved Tab displays information on the Test case name, Execution date, Reason, Comments, and information on who Resolved the issue.
Knowledge Center (Collate)
- Supports hierarchical pages to structure the articles.
- You can easily associate knowledge articles with data assets.
- The data assets page displays the related articles.
- The block editor supports callouts to add notes, warnings, tables, and task lists.
- Quicklinks are no longer separate pages; they redirect to external links.
- Data assets can be associated with Quicklinks.
- Added Search support for Knowledge articles to filter by Owner or Tags.
- Supports preview for articles and Quicklinks.
Custom Metrics for Profiler
- Supports custom metrics for the data profiler with custom SQL to keep track of your business metrics.
- Custom metrics can be created at Table and Column levels.
Profiler and Data Quality
- The Profiler has been improved to support sample data ingestion without computing other metrics.
- Admins can configure the profiler to fetch up to 10,000 rows of sample data.
- Sample data can be stored in S3 buckets.
- Refined the default time range on the test case results page, adjusting it from the Last 3 days to the Last 30 days for a more encompassing view.
- New Google Cloud Storage for storage services. (Collate)
- New Alation connector to migrate metadata into Collate. (Collate)
- New Iceberg, SAS Viya, and Doris connectors.
- Introduced the Spark Lineage Agent to extract metadata and end-to-end lineage from Spark jobs.
- MSSQL and Oracle now support Stored Procedures.
- We now exclude system indices from the Elasticsearch connector by default.
- Added support for DB2 IBM I Series.
- Pipeline services now get owner information.
- Performance improvements for the Tableau Connector.
- We now support metadata tag extraction from Databricks.
- Supports the attribute Table Owner for metadata ingestion from Postgres.
- We now extract table descriptions when ingesting metadata from Salesforce.
- Supports soft delete for the default glossaries in OpenMetadata.
- Supports the creation of tasks to request tags or a description.
- Only the Owner can edit the Glossary term.
- Version history displays the Username instead of the User ID.
- Now supports RTL UI for the Hebrew language.
- New Dutch language translation.
Settings UI
- The Settings page UI has been revamped.
Data Insights
- Cost Analysis expanded to support BigQuery & Redshift. (Collate)
- Improved the Data Insights Report sent via email.
Other Changes
- Announcements can be notified over email, Slack, or Teams.
- Alerts are sent to a user when they are mentioned in a task or activity feed.
- We have improved the display of search results for column matches. When searching for columns, the matched results will be displayed and highlighted in the Preview pane.
- Table Type filter has been added in the Advanced Search, so that users can exclude the temporary or staging tables from search.
- Now it is easy to filter the Data assets without a Owner.
- Database and Schema were added to the Explore menu to enhance data discovery.
- Custom properties are displayed on the right of the data asset details page.
- We now display the Domain on the Users page.
- Supports the sorting of data assets by popularity based on the number of followers and thumbs up as signals.
- OpenMetadata can now handle metric history for ML models.
- When configuring the Email settings, the Username and Password fields can be left blank.
- We now support a test email button on the Email SMTP page.
1.2.0 Release
2023, October 26th
Domains and Data Products
- Added support for Domains and Data Products.
- Assets can be added to a Domain, and users can scope their discovery experience to one Domain.
- Assets can also be added as Data Products in a Domain.
Search Index
- Elasticsearch or Opensearch connectors can now bring in the search index metadata into OpenMetadata.
- The connector will populate the indexβs mapping, settings, and sample data.
Stored Procedures
- Added support for Stored Procedures.
- Snowflake, Redshift, and BigQuery connectors are updated to bring stored procedure metadata into OpenMetadata.
- The metadata workflow will bring the Stored Procedures and parse their executions to extract lineage information.
Glossary Approval Workflow & Glossary Styling
- Introduced a glossary approval workflow. An approval workflow is created if Reviewers are added to a glossary.
- A task is added for reviewers to approve or reject the glossary term. The terms will show up in Draft status.
- Only the reviewers can approve or reject the term.
- Conversations are supported to discuss further about the terms.
- If no reviewer is added, then the glossary terms are approved by default.
- Introduced styling for glossary terms. Now you can add icons and color code the glossary terms for easy identification.
- Color coding helps to visually differentiate and identify the data assets, when glossary terms are added to them.
OpenMetadata Browser Extension
- Updated the Chrome browser extension for OpenMetadata with the new UI.
- Added support for Databases, Database Schemas, Tables, Dashboards, Charts, Pipelines, and Topics.
Build Automation Applications
- Added Applications into OpenMetadata, giving users a unique view of processes that can be scheduled and run in the platform.
- Search Indexing and Data Insights Report have been converted into Applications.
- UI displays all the available applications, which Admins can add or schedule.
- We will continue to add new Applications in upcoming releases.
- Performance improvements made for lineage based on the new release of SQLfluff.
- Added support for
UPDATE β¦ FROM Snowflake
queries - Added column-level lineage support for
- Greenplum connector is now supported.
- Couchbase connector is now supported.
- Azure Data Lake Storage is now supported. (Collate)
Customizable Landing Page
- Admins can create Personas to group individuals in their company, such as Data Engineers, Data Stewards, or Data Scientists.
- Admins can customize the landing page for each Persona with a set of supported widgets: Activity Feed, Announcements, Knowledge Center, etc.
- We will add support for more widgets in upcoming releases.
Knowledge Center (Collate)
- Backend APIs support creating, editing, and listing knowledge articles (with external links).
- Knowledge articles and links can be associated with a Domain, Team, or an Entity.
- UI support to build a Knowledge Center and expand the documentation of your company.
Cost Analysis Report (Collate)
- The Usage Workflow will now also track how tables are Accessed and Updated.
- This information will be used in the Data Insights workflow to show the evolution of your used and unused assets and compare them by size.
- Support has been added for Snowflake, and we will continue to add more sources in upcoming releases.
1.1.2 Release
2023, August 24th
Data Quality
- Added support for Postgres version 11.19.
- Fixed MariaDB time column issues.
- Added JWT authentication support for Trino.
- Fixed Snowflake connection test.
- Fixed SageMaker ingestion.
- Added external table support for BigQuery.
UI Improvements
- Added Russian language support.
- Supports Delete functionality for sample data.
- Improved Schema page UX.
- Table mentions now show Service, Schema and Database information.
- Fixed the version history list.
- Improved performance when ingesting table constraints.
- Improved Glossary import validations.
- Fixed Test Suite migrations and naming.
- Fixed Classification migration.
- Deprecated Flyway and using native migrations.
- Improved Test Suite UI performance.
1.1.1 Release
2023, August 7th
UI Improvements
- User profile page UI / UX improvements
- Superset Connection fixes for Basic and IAM auth type
- Fix task flow bugs
- UI / UX improvements for Service, Database, and Schema pages.
- Support custom cron for schedule ingestion
Data Quality
- Fix BigQuery, MSSQL, and Clickhouse profiling errors
- Fixed Airflow lineage extraction.
- Added support for Databricks complex columns comments.
- Fixed Athena lineage and usage parameter validation.
- Airflow Managed APIs now support Airflow 2.6
- New Qliksense Connector.
- Hive supports extracting metadata directly from the metastore to speed up the execution. Users whose metastore is not exposed can still run the extraction pointing to Hive.
- Added Usage & Lineage connector for Trino.
- Impala scheme has been deprecated from Hive connector. Users can use the Impala connector instead.
- Snowflake can now ingest TRANSIENT tables.
- Added support for JSON fields in SingleStore.
- Bumped table and column names length
- Aggregation Improvements for Search
- Test Suite Improvements
1.1.0 Release
2023, June 30th
UI Improvements
- Simplified Landing Page to make the adoption easier for new users. Weβll keep iterating on improving UX for first-time users.
- Simplified Explore view with improved asset details section. The filtering left panel is now part of the filtering selection at the top.
- Lineage View now supports column pagination and filtering.
- Views show their DDL on the Table details page.
Data Quality
- Redesigned Data Quality Tests to improve the end-user experience and prevent unnecessary duplication of tests.
- Data Quality Tests now have a Resolution Field. Users can acknowledge any errors, and once failures are resolved, they can document the resolution directly in the OpenMetadata UI.
- Fixed a large number of connections being opened by the profiler workflow.
- Improved Customer SQL test to allow users to set a threshold for the expected number of rows to be returned
- Allow multi project for BigQuery profiler
- Fetch table metrics from system tables when information is available
- Improved Snowflake Profiling performance of System Metrics.
- Improved SQL Lineage Parsing. We continue to share the OSS love by contributing to sqllineage and sqlfluff, the base libraries for our lineage features.
- Improved LookML metadata ingestion, with added support for projects based on Bitbucket.
- dbt bug fixes, added support for database, schema and table filtering and lineage management for ephemeral models.
- PowerBI metadata ingestion now supports Reports and Dataset lineage from multiple workspaces.
- Improved Tableau Data Models ingestion now ingests Data Sources.
- AWS Glue support for Partition Column Details.
- New Oracle lineage and usage workflows based on the query history.
- IAM role-based authentication for MySQL and Postgres RDS databases.
- Fixed dashboard description wrongly reported description as completed in the Data Insight
- New Spline Connector to extract metadata and lineage from Spark jobs. Regardless of where the Spark execution happens, if you have configured the Spline Agent, we can send Spark metadata to OpenMetadata.
- New SAP HANA Connector, our first integration to the SAP ecosystem.
- New MongoDB Connector, extracting Collections as Tables.
- Added support for Databricks Unity Catalog for metadata and lineage extraction. If your Databricks instance supports the Unity Catalog, you can enable it in the Connection Details section to use this metadata extraction method instead of getting metadata out of the metastore and history APIs.
- PII masking of Sample data for Tables and Topics, Profiler Metrics, Test Cases, and Queries for users that are not admins or owners of the assets. In 1.2, weβll iterate on this logic to add Roles & Policies support for masking PII data.
- Name and FQN hashing of data in the database. This reduces the length of the data being stored and indexed, allowing us for longer FQNs in the Metadata Standard.
- Improved monitoring of the Pipeline Service Client health. Any status errors between the OpenMetadata server and the Pipeline Service Client are now surfaced in a Prometheus metric
- Added AWS OpenSearch client-specific support. This allows us to update the Elasticsearch version support up to 7.16.
1.0.0 Release
2023, April 25th
APIs & Schema
- Stabilized and improved the Schemas and APIs.
- The APIs are backward compatible.
- Connecting to your data sources has never been easier. Find all the necessary permissions and connection details directly in the UI.
- When testing the connection, we now have a comprehensive list of validations to let you know which pieces of metadata can be extracted with the provided configuration.
- Performance improvements when extracting metadata from sources such as Snowflake, Redshift, Postgres, and dbt.
- New Apache Impala connector.
Storage Services
- Based on your feedback, we created a new service to extract metadata from your cloud storage.
- The Data Lake connector ingested one table per file, which covered only some of the use cases in a Data Platform. With Storage Services, you can now present accurate metadata from your tables, even when partitioned.
- The first implementation has been done on S3, and we will keep adding support for other sources in the upcoming releases.
Dashboard Data Models
- Dashboard Services now support the concept of Data Models: data that can be directly defined and managed in the Dashboard tooling itself, e.g., LookML models in Looker.
- Data Models will help us close the gap between engineering and business by providing all the necessary metadata from sources typically used and managed by analysts or business users.
- The first implementation has been done for Tableau and Looker.
- Improved UI for SQL Queries, with faster loading times and allowing users to vote for popular queries!
- Users can now create and share a Query directly from the UI, linking it to multiple tables if needed.
- In 1.0, we have added Localization support for OpenMetadata.
- Now you can use OpenMetadata in English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.
- New and Improved Glossary UI
- Easily search for Glossaries and any Glossary Term directly in the global search.
- Instead of searching and tagging their assets individually, users can add Glossary Terms to multiple assets from the Glossary UI.
Auto PII Classification
- Implemented an automated way to tag PII data.
- The auto-classification is an optional step of the Profiler workflow. We will analyze the column names, and if sample data is being ingested, we will run NLP models on top of it.
- Improved Relevancy, with added support for partial matches.
- Improved Ranking, with most used or higher Tier assets at the top of the search.
- Support for Classifications and Glossaries in the global search.
- SAML support has been added.
- Added option to mask passwords in the API response except for the
by setting the environment variableMASK_PASSWORDS_API=true
. More info here. - Deprecation Notice: SSO Service accounts for Bots will be deprecated. JWT authentication will be the preferred method for creating Bots.
- Enhanced Lineage UI to display a large number of nodes (1000+).
- Improved UI for better navigation.
- Improved SQL parser to extract lineage in the Lineage Workflows.
Chrome Browser Extension
- All the metadata is at your fingertips while browsing Looker, Superset, etc., with the OpenMetadata Chrome Browser Extension.
- Chrome extension supports Google SSO, Azure SSO, Okta, and AWS Cognito authentication.
- You can Install the Chrome extension from Chrome Web Store.
Other Changes
- The Explore page cards will now display a maximum of ten tags.
- Entity names support apostrophes.
- The Summary panel has been improved to be consistent across the UI.
0.13.3 Release
2023, March 30th
Ingestion Framework
- Datalake Avro & Json, JsonZip support
- BigQuery Profiler Ingestion for all regions
- Support for Snowflake Geometry Type
- Add support Nifi client certificate Auth
- Update
+ add timeout for parsing queries - Fixes issue in Snowflake Join Table query parsing
- Optimize Memory Usage for Usage data ingestion
- Fetch vertica schema comments as description
- Improve snowflake system metrics
- Add Database & Schema descriptions from Snowflake
- Add support XLets in Airflow Lineage Runner
- Add support for
in AWS - Add support for
- Fixed issues in DBT oracle
- Support for Tableau Owner
- Support for DBT manifest V8
Roles & Policies
- A Non-Privileged user can add new 'Roles' to Teams
- Fix Permissions API to consider the leaf nodes tags as well, example: table's column tags
- Improve Search Relevancy, by adding functional scoring and add ngram analyzer;
- Enable search for entities using both name and displayName
- Enable LDAP configuration to be configured via environment variable
- LDAP-s support connection without MTLS
- Relax data asset name restrictions to allow the special characters except "::"
- Allow unicode character and digits in Entity
Data Quality
- Fix column values between test
0.13.2 Release
2023, January 30th
Improved SQL Lineage
- We have collaborated with the sqllineage and sqlfluff communities to improve the parsing capabilities of
. We'll continue to collaborate to ship further improvements in new releases.
New Glossary UI
- Moved from a tree view in the left panel to an easy to navigate list of the terms sorted alphabetically.
- The term list shows the tags and descriptions in the cards.
Glossary Import & Export
- You can now export your Glossary data as a CSV file.
- In the same way, you can now bulk upload terms to a Glossary by adding their details in a CSV file.
- The import utility will validate the file and show you a preview of the elements that are going to be imported to OpenMetadata.
Unified Tag Category API
- Renamed Tag Categories to Classification, a more widely used term.
- Updated the API to conform with the rest of the specification. More info here.
Mutually Exclusive Tags
- When creating a Classification or a Glossary term, you can now make the tags to be mutually exclusive.
- If tags are set to be mutually exclusive, you won't be able to set multiple tags from the same category in the same asset.
- Special characters
Ingestion Framework
- Performance Improvements: We are now getting descriptions in batch, making connectors such as Redshift or Snowflake way faster!
- The Oracle connector now ships with the Thick mode enabled.
- AWS QuickSight fixes
- DB2 constraints and profiler improvements
- Added support for Postgres Foreign Tables
- Added support for Datalake profiler row-based sampling
0.13.1 Release
2022, December 20th
Profiler and Data Quality
- Freshness Metric has been introduced. Data freshness shows DML operations performed against a table and the number of rows affected. All this is displayed within the data profiler with filterable graphs. This is currently supported for BigQuery, Snowflake, and Redshift.
- Support has been added for data quality tests on Data Lake.
- UI has been improved to show table and column profile data on separate page. Legend is now selectable to filter for specific metrics
Alerts and Notification
The logic for Notification Support has been improved. Users can define Alerts based on a Trigger (all data assets or a specific entity), Filters (events to consider), and Action (Slack, MS Teams, Email, Webhook) on where to send the alert.
- Now, dbt has its own workflow. Previously, dbt was a part of metadata ingestion workflow.
- Airflow Lineage Operator and the OpenMetadata Hook are now part of the ingestion package. Send Airflow metadata from your DAGs and safely store the OpenMetadata server connection directly in Airflow.
- Multiple Databases (catalog) is now supported for the Databricks connector
- Azure blob is now supported to backup your metadata into
New Connectors
- OpenMetadata now supports Azure Datalake Storage Gen 2
General Improvements
- Users can update the description and tags for Topic Schema. Previously, the topic schemas were read-only. We now support Avro/Protobuf parsing and field level details for topic schemas.
- The layout for the Data Insight Report has been improved. We now display a line graph instead of a bar graph. The Most Viewed Data Assets are clickable to view the asset details page.
- Improvements have been made to Advanced Search. Now, when a filter is applied, the details of the filter selected are displayed for clarity.
- On the Explore page UI, the Side Preview is now available for all data assets. Previously it was only displayed for tables.
0.13.0 Release
2022, December 8th
Data Insights and KPI
Data Insight allows admins to take an active approach in their metadata management. Data Insight provides a single-pane view of all the key metrics to best reflect the state of your data. Admins can define the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and set goals within OpenMetadata to work towards better documentation, ownership, and tiering. Alerts can be set against the KPIs to be received on a specified schedule.
The lineage UI has been transformed to enhance user experience. Users can get a holistic view of an entity from the Lineage tab. When an entity is selected, the UI displays end-to-end lineage traceability for the table and column levels.
With the OpenMetadata UI, users can now create and deploy profiling workflows for the Datalake connector, which supports AWS S3 and GCS
Support for LDAP SSO has been added in this release
Advance Search
Syntax Editor has been introduced for advanced search with And/Or conditions that help discover assets quickly
New Connectors
- AWS SageMaker
- AWS QuickSight
- AWS Kinesis
- Domo
Messaging Service Schemas Improvements
Major enhancements have been made to how data is extracted from Kafka and Redpanda Messaging services. Previously, OpenMetadata extracted all the Topics in the messaging queue and also connected to the Schema Registry to get the Schemas. These schemas were taken as one payload and published to OpenMetadata. We now parse Avro and Protobuf Schemas to extract the fields. Now, users can document each of these fields within a schema by adding descriptions and tags. Users can search based on the fields in the Schema of a Topic.
General Improvements
- Soft deleted entities can be restored. Currently, only the ML Models are not supported.
- Soft deleted teams can be restored. When restoring a soft deleted parent team, the child teams will not be restored by default.
0.12.3 Release
2022, November 18th
Bug Fixes
- User suggestion index mapping
- Tag and Glossary terms caching
0.12.2 Release
2022, October 20th
- Databricks lineage
- Added support for Airflow version 2.2.2 as a workflow scheduler
Bug Fixes
- Support same table across different databases for the profiler
0.12.1 Release
2022, October 3rd
Basic Authentication
- User/Password signup and login
- Email notifications for forgotten password and new user signed up
- Admin can add new users and send an email
ElasticSearch full re-index through UI
- Now admins can full re-index elasticsearch through the UI itself
Versioning Support for Custom Attributes
- Any changes to entity custom attributes are now versioned
DBT Metadata - Tags
- We support ingesting DBT tags into OpenMetadata
Bots Integration
- Admins can create bots and their security mechanism from UI itself
Bug Fixes
- Around 136 Features/Improvements/Tests made it into 0.12.1 release
0.12.0 Release
2022, September 7th
Team Hierarchy
Prior releases supported a flat hierarchy of just Teams and Users. In 0.12, support has been added for the entire organizational hierarchy with Business Unit, Division, Department, and Groups. An organization from small to very large can now be modeled in OpenMetadata with this feature.
Roles and Policies
Access Control functionality has been revamped to support many use cases that were not possible before. Previously, a Role contained a single Policy, which consisted of simple Rules to Allow/Not Allow. The advanced rule configuration in the 0.12 release allows users to build more expressive rules using conditions.
- A Role is a collection of Policies. Roles can be assigned to users or teams where all the users in the team inherit the team roles.
- A Policy is a collection of Rules. A Policy can be reused as it can be part of a Role or can be directly assigned to Teams.
- A Rule is defined by a set of Resources, a set of Operations, an Effect to either Deny or Allow the operation, and a condition written as SpEL expression to add additional conditions based on metadata attributes. Examples of conditions β isOwner(), noOwner() && !matchTags('PII').
Data Quality and Data Profiler
OpenMetadata began support for Data Quality in the 0.10 release, and support was added for publishing Great Expectations results in the 0.11 release. Our goal with OpenMetadata is to define metadata standards for all things data and in this release, we are standardizing Tests and Data Quality metadata. Data Quality Tests can be expressed in JSON schema and now these tests can be added dynamically using the Test Definitions API. We have also added a custom SQL data quality test that allows you to write your data quality tests using SQL statements.
An interactive dashboard helps to visualize and explore the data from the Data Profiler. You can explore how your data is changing over time, and identify data drifts using this dashboard. You can also see how data quality is changing by looking at how tests are doing over time. What is even better is, that you can explore this at both the table level or drill down to each column level going back up to 60 days.
The UI supports the detailed exploration of data quality tests, and users can drill down for the details of the test results present in a time series fashion. Tests can be added easily from the Profiler tab in the UI, both at the Table and Column levels. The UI provides a one-glance update on the metrics with a summary of data quality at the Table and Column levels.
Informing users about upcoming changes to the data is a big challenge. In most organizations, a team sends an email well in advance about the change. But no one reads/tracks them and finally, when the change is done, many users are unprepared to handle it.
With Announcements, you can now inform your entire team of all the upcoming events and changes, such as deprecation, deletion, or schema changes. These announcements can be scheduled with a start date and an end date. All the users following your data are not only notified in Activity Feeds but a banner is also shown on the data asset details page for users to discover (or be reminded of) the announcement.
Activity Feed Notifications
In 0.12, weβve also streamlined the Notifications menu with two separate tabs for Tasks and Mentions, thatβll display only the recent notifications. You can always navigate to your User Profile page to view more activities.
Slack & Microsoft Teams integration
Users can get timely updates about the metadata change events for all entities through APIs using webhooks. The webhook integration with Slack has been further improved in this release.
OpenMetadata also supports webhook integration to Microsoft Teams, just as it supports Slack. Users can choose to receive notifications for only the required entities by using event filters based on when an entity is created, updated, or deleted.
In the 0.11 release, a request to add or update descriptions for data assets could be converted to a Task. In the 0.12 release, Tasks can be created based on requests to create or update tags. Also, a glossary term approval workflow can be converted to a Task.
Secret Management Store Interface
In 0.12, we have completely revamped how that secret is stored, accessed, and by whom; by introducing a Secrets Manager Interface to communicate with any Key Management Store. The KMS will mediate between any OpenMetadata internal requirement and sensitive information. That way, users can choose to use the underlying database as KMS, or any external system. The OpenMetadata community has already added support for AWS Key Management Service and AWS SSM.
New connectors are an essential part of every release in OpenMetadata. We are introducing four new connectors in this release:
- Redpanda is a Kafka API-compatible streaming data platform for developers that unifies historical and real-time data. OpenMetadata now supports Redpanda as a Messaging service, which allows users to document its topics and schemas. Refer to the Redpanda documentation for more info.
- Dagster is a new-generation Python-based orchestrator thatβs designed for developing and maintaining data assets, such as tables, data sets, machine learning models, and reports. It has been added as part of OpenMetadataβs pipeline connectors. Read more from the Dagster documentation.
- Fivetran delivers ready-to-use connectors that automatically adapt as schemas and APIs change, ensuring consistent, reliable access to data. It has been added as a pipeline service. For more information, refer to the Fivetran documentation.
- Apache NiFi automates the flow of data between systems. OpenMetadata now supports a NiFi connector as the third new pipeline service on this release.
Weβve enhanced the performance of workflows by having a separate workflow for Lineage and Usage. By using two workflows for computing specific pieces of information, we can effectively filter down the queries to extract lineage.
During table usage ingestion, the tables retrieved successfully will be cached, so that there is no need to repeat the same calls multiple times as many queries would be referencing the same tables. Usage queries have been optimized. A result limit has been added to Usage queries.
Global Settings
The OpenMetadata Settings dropdown menu has been transformed into a single, centralized Settings page for added convenience in viewing all the available options. The Global Settings comprises setting options for Team Members, Access based on Roles and Policies, Services, Data Quality, Collaboration, Custom Attributes, and Integrations for webhooks and bots. Admins can view or update settings for various services like Slack, MS Teams, Webhooks, etc from the Global Settings page.
UI/UX Improvements
The major UI UX improvements have been done around Roles and Policies and a Global Settings page. Quite a lot of tweaks have been made to the UI to improve the UX.
When creating a new user or when a user is registering for the first time, the dropdown menu for Teams now displays an option to βShow Allβ teams. Previously, we supported the display of only the first 10 teams. An option has also been provided to search and filter. UI improvements have been made on the Schema, Service, and Database details pages. Manage Tab has been replaced with the manage button on the UI.
0.11.0 Release
2022, July 1st
Data Collaboration - Tasks, Announcements, & Emojis
- Tasks have been introduced as an extension to the ability to create conversations and post replies.
- Tasks can be created around descriptions for tables, pipelines, dashboards, and topics.
- Users can Request a description, or even Suggest a new description and make edits to an existing description.
- Submitting the request automatically creates a task for the owner of a data asset.
- Tasks can be further reassigned to the relevant user.
- Other users can participate in this activity by posting a reply, comment, or react to conversations with emojis.
- All the tasks assigned to a user can be tracked in the User Profile page.
- Tasks associated with a particular data asset are kept track of in the dataset details page.
- Task owners can provide description or accept/reject suggestions and those tasks are automatically closed.
Column Level Lineage
- Column level lineage API support has been added in the backend.
- Supports table level and column level lineage from Snowflake, Redshift, and BigQuery.
Custom Properties
- Now supports adding new types and extending entities when organizations need to capture custom metadata.
- New types and custom fields can be added to entities either using API or in OpenMetadata UI.
Advanced Search
- Users can search by column, schema, database, owner, tag, and service.
- Users can search by multiple parameters to narrow down the search results.
- Separate advanced search options are available for Tables, Topics, Dashboards, Pipelines, and ML Models.
- All entities are searchable by common search options such as Owner, Tag, and Service.
- Entity specific search options are also available - table specific options include Column, Schema, and Database, pipeline specific options include Task, and dashboards specific option includes Chart.
Glossary UI Updates
- The Glossary UI has been upgraded.
- The arrangement to display the Summary, Related Terms, Synonyms, and References has been changed.
- Reviewers are shown on the right panel with an option to add or remove existing reviewers.
Profiler and Data Quality Improvements
- Seven additional data quality tests have been added as follows.
- tableColumnCountToBeBetween: Ensure the number of columns in your table stays within the expected range
- tableColumnNameToExist: Check that a specific column is in your table
- tableColumnToMatchSet: Check that your table has the expected columns. You can enforce a check for column order.
- columnValueMaxToBeBetween: Verify the max value in a column is between expected bounds
- columnValueMinToBeBetween: Verify the min value in a column is between expected bounds
- columnValuesToBeInSet: Check if specific value(s) are in a column
- columnValuesSumToBeBetween: Verify the sum of the values in a column is between expected bounds
- The Profiler now determines if a BigQuery table is partitioned, and filters it accordingly.
- Now, you can pass a custom query to your profiler workflow file.
- Developed a direct integration between Great Expectations and OpenMetadata. Now, you can add custom actions to your Great Expectations checkpoints file that will automatically ingest your data quality tests results into OpenMetadata at the end of your checkpoint file run.
ML Models
- ML Model entities have been added to the UI.
- Supports ingestion through the UI from MLflow.
- Five new connectors have been added - Airbyte, Mode, AWS Data Lake, Google Cloud Data Lake, and Apache Pinot.
- DBT Cloud support was added and we now extract manifest and catalog files from API.
- The ingestion scheduler now supports a minute level selection.
- The Snowflake metadata extraction has been optimized.
- The Looker connector now fetches the βUsageβ and βAccessβ metadata for Dashboards and Charts.
UI Improvements
- The OpenMetadata UI has a new layout.
- In the Activity Feeds, the options to reply to a conversation, as well as to delete can now be found on hovering over the conversation.
- Users can react with Emojis on the activity feeds, conversations and replies.
- Hovering on the links provides a quick preview of the entity details.
- The UI supports adding Tasks. Pending tasks will be displayed on the right panel.
- A tooltip has been added to display the FQN on hover in the Activity Feed header.
Other Changes
- Admin users define Roles and associate these roles to Teams. When a user picks a Team, the Role gets automatically assigned.
- An option has been added to recreate a fresh index from the data available in Elasticsearch.
- A simple webhook server has been added to the metadata command to register and listen to the metadata change events.
- The ingestion configurations are supported as YAML.
- In the previous release, we added support for Azure SSO on Airflow. In the current release, weβve added support for Azure SSO in Java SDK Client.
- OpenMetadata now supports AWS Cognito SSO.
- When deleting a database service, the number of databases, schemas and tables is displayed in the confirmation dialog.
0.10.1 Release
2022, May 17th
- Support for Postgres as OpenMetadata Store #4601
- UI Improvements in 0.10.1 Release #4600
- Support JWT Token Generation for Bot Accounts #4637
- UI Ingestion Improvements - Support for Dashboards & Messaging Services #4843
- Security: Fix Azure SSO and support refresh tokens in #4989
0.10.0 Release
2022, April 27th
Support for Database Schema
OpenMetadata supports databases, service name databases, and tables. Weβve added Database Schema as part of the FQN. For each external data source, we ingest the database, as well as the tables that are contained underneath the schemas.
Support for Hard Delete
OpenMetadata supported soft deletions. Now, we also support the hard deletion of entities through the UI, APIs, and ingestion. Hard deleting an entity removes the entity and all of its relationships. This will also generate a change event.
Deploy Ingestion from UI
OpenMetadata has refactored the service connections to simplify the ingestion jobs from both the ingestion framework and the UI. We now use the pydantic models automatically generated from the JSON schemas for the connection definition. The βAdd Serviceβ form is automatically generated in the UI based on the JSON schema specifications for the various connectors that are supported in OpenMetadata.
Download dbt Manifest Files from Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage
Previously, when ingesting the models and lineage from dbt, we passed the path of the dbt manifest and catalog files directly into the workflow. Weβve worked on improving the quality of life of dbt. Now, we can dynamically download these files from Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage. This way we can have any other process to connect to the dbt, extract the catalog, and put it into any cloud service. We just need the path name and workflow job details from the metadata extraction to be able to ingest metadata.
JSON Schema based Connection Definition
Each service (database, dashboard, messaging, or pipeline service) has its own configuration specifications, with some unique requirements for some services. Instead of the ad hoc definitions of the source module in Python for each connector, weβve worked on the full refactoring of the ingestion framework. We now use the pydantic models automatically generated from the JSON schemas for the connection definition.
Airflow Rest APIs
The Airflow REST APIs have been refactored. With our API centric model, we are creating a custom airflow rest API directly on top of Airflow using plugins. This passes the connection information to automatically generate all the dags and prepares handy methods to help us test the connection to the source before creating the service.
UI Changes
- The UI improvements are directed toward providing a consistent user experience.
- Hard Deletion of Entities: With the support for the hard deletion of entities, we can permanently delete tables, topics, or services. When the entity is hard deleted, the entity and all its relationships are removed. This generates an βEntityDeletedβ change event.
- Dynamic βAdd Serviceβ Forms: The βAdd Serviceβ form is automatically generated in the UI based on the JSON schema specifications for the various connectors that are supported in OpenMetadata.
- UI Support for Database Schema as part of FQN: The database schema has been introduced in the 0.10 release. All the entity pages now support Database Schema in the UI.
- Lineage Editor: Improvements have been made to the lineage editor.
- Teams: While signing up in OpenMetadata, the teams with restricted access are hidden and only the joinable teams are displayed.
- Team Owner: An Owner field has been added to the Team entity. Only team owners can update the teams.
- Activity Feeds: The Activity Feeds UI supports infinite scrolling.
- Add User: A user can be added from the Users page.
Security Changes
- Support Refresh Tokens for Auth0 and Okta SSO: The JWT tokens generated by the SSO providers expire by default in about an hour, making the user re-login often. In this release, weβve added support for refresh tokens for Auth0 and Okta SSO. The tokens are refreshed silently behind the scenes to provide an uninterrupted user experience. In future releases, weβll continue to stabilize authentication and add refresh tokens for the other SSO providers.
- Custom OIDC SSO: OpenMetadata now supports integration with your custom-built OIDC SSO for authentication. This is supported both on the front end for user authentication and on the ingestion side.
- Azure SSO: Support has been added for Azure SSO on Airflow.
0.9.0 Release
2022, March 10th
- Conversations in the main feed.
- Users can ask each other questions, add suggestions and replies.
- Turn some threads into tasks and provide it in MyData as number of tasks.
- Glossary.
- Table details - Click through on usage to see who or what services are using it, what queries are pulling from it.
Data Quality
- Ability to create and monitor the test cases.
- Data Quality Tests support with Json Schemas and APIs.
- UI Integration to enable user to write tests and run them on Airflow.
- Glossaries are a Controlled Vocabulary in an organization used to define the concepts and terminologies specific to a particular domain.
- API & Schemas to support Glossary.
- UI support to add Glossary and Glossary Terms.
- Support for using Glossary terms to annotate Entities and Search using Glossary Terms.
- Apache Iceberg
- Azure SQL
- Clickhouse
- Clickhouse Usage
- Databricks
- Databricks Usage
- Delta Lake
- DynamoDB
- Power BI
- MSSQL Usage
- SingleStore
- Apache Atlas ,Import Metadata from Apache Atlas into OpenMetadata
- Amundsen, Import Metadata from Amundsen into OpenMetadata
- DataSource SQL Parsing support to extract Lineage
- View Lineage support
- Capture pipeline status as it happens
- Security policies through the UI.
- Configuration personas and authorization based on policies.
- AWS SSO support.
0.8.0 Release
2022, January 22nd
Access Control Policies
- Design of Access Control Policies.
- Provide Role based access control with community feedback.
Eventing Webhook
- Register webhooks to get metadata event notifications.
- Metadata Change Event integration into Slack and framework for integration into other services such as Kafka or other Notification frameworks
- Delta Lake
- Iceberg
- PowerBI
- Azure SQL
0.7.0 Release
2021, November 17th
UI - Activity Feed, Improved UX for Search
- Users will have access to Activity Feed of all the changes to the Metadata.
- New and Improved UX for Search and Landing page.
Support for Table Location
- Extract Location information from Glue, Redshift.
- Show Location details on the Table Page.
ElasticSearch Improvements
- Support SSL (including self-signed certs) enabled ElasticSearch.
- New entities will be indexed into ElasticSearch directly
- Metabase
- Apache Druid
- Glue Improvements
- MSSQL - SSL support
- Apache Atlas Import connector
- Amundsen Import connector
Other features
- Metadata Change Event integration into Slack and framework for integration into other services such as Kafka or other Notification frameworks
- Delta Lake support, Databricks, Iceberg
0.6.0 Release
2021, November 17th
OpenMetadata 0.6.0 Release β Metadata Versioning, Events API, One-Click Ingestion, and more
Metadata Versioning and Eventing Framework
- Capture changes to Entity Metadata from source and user interactions as versions.
- Versioned changes will be published as events for clients to consume to take actions on.
Data Reliability
- Improvements to Data Reliability library.
- Capture custom measurements through user provided SQL.
Airflow APIs
- Airflow APIs to deploy DAGS and manage them.
- UI integration to deploy ingestion workflows.
- AWS Glue
- dbt
- MariaDB
0.5.0 Release
2021, October 19th
Support for Lineage
- Lineage related schemas and APIs.
- Lineage metadata integration from AirFlow for tables.
- UI changes to show lineage information to the users.
Data Reliability
- Improvements to Data Profiler.
- UI integration with Data Profiler to show how the table profile looks over the period of time.
Complex Types
- Support complex types such as Struct, Array with nested fields.
- UI support to add expand complex types and tag, add description for nested fields.
- Trino
- Redash
Other features
- Pipeline Entities are supported.
- Integration with Airflow to extract Pipeline details.
0.4.0 Release
2021, September 20th
OpenMetadata 0.4.0 Release β Dashboards, Topics, Data Reliability
Support for Kafka (and Pulsar WIP)
- Support for Message Service and Topic entities in schemas, APIs, and UI.
- Kafka connector and ingestion support for Confluent Schema Registry.
Support for Dashboards
- Support for Dashboard services, Dashboards, and Charts entities in schemas, APIs, and UI.
- Looker, Superset, Tableau connector, and ingestion support.
User Interface
- Sort search results based on Usage, Relevance, and Last updated time.
- Search string highlighted in search results.
- Support for Kafka and Dashboards from Looker, Superset, and Tableau.
Other features
- Pluggable SSO integration - Auth0 support.
- Support for Presto.
Work in progress
- Salesforce CRM connector.
- Data profiler to profile tables in ingestion framework and show it table details page.