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Ingest Lineage from dbt

Ingest the lineage information from dbt manifest.json file into OpenMetadata.

OpenMetadata extracts the lineage information from the depends_on and compiled_query/compiled_code keys from the manifest file.

Openmetadata fetches the lineage information from the manifest.json file. Below is a sample manifest.json file node containing lineage information under node_name->depends_on->nodes.

For the above case the lineage will be created as shown in below:


dbt Lineage

Openmetadata fetches the dbt query information from the manifest.json file.

Below is a sample manifest.json file node containing dbt query information under node_name->compiled_code or node_name->compiled_sql.

The query from dbt will be parsed by the Lineage parser to extract source and target tables to create the lineage.

The lineage may not be created if the lineage parser is not able to parse the query. Please check the logs for any errors in this case.