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EKS on Amazon Web Services Deployment

OpenMetadata supports the Installation and Running of Application on Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) through Helm Charts. However, there are some additional configurations which needs to be done as prerequisites for the same.

All the code snippets in this section assume the default namespace for kubernetes. This guide presumes you have AWS EKS Cluster already available.

It is recommended to use Amazon RDS and Amazon OpenSearch Service for Production Deployments.

We support

  • Amazon RDS (MySQL) engine version 8 or higher
  • Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) engine version 12 or higher
  • Amazon OpenSearch engine version 2.X (upto 2.7)

When using AWS Services the SearchType Configuration for elastic search should be opensearch, for both cases ElasticSearch and OpenSearch, as you can see in the ElasticSearch configuration example below.

We recommend

  • Amazon RDS to be in Multiple Availability Zones.
  • Amazon OpenSearch (or ElasticSearch) Service with Multiple Availability Zones with minimum 2 Nodes.

Once you have the RDS and OpenSearch Services Setup, you can update the environment variables below for OpenMetadata kubernetes deployments to connect with Database and ElasticSearch.

Make sure to create RDS and OpenSearch credentials as Kubernetes Secrets mentioned here.

Also, disable MySQL and ElasticSearch from OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Charts as mentioned in the FAQs here.

You can follow official AWS Guides here to provision EFS File System in the same VPC which is associated with your EKS Cluster.

OpenMetadata helm chart depends on Airflow and Airflow expects a persistent disk that support ReadWriteMany (the volume can be mounted as read-write by many nodes).

In AWS, this is achieved by Elastic File System (EFS) service. AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) does not provide ReadWriteMany Volume access mode as EBS will only be attached to one Kubernetes Node at any given point of time.

In order to provision persistent volumes from AWS EFS, you will need to setup and install aws-efs-csi-driver. Note that this is required for Airflow as One OpenMetadata Dependencies.

Also, aws-ebs-csi-driver might be required for Persistent Volumes that are to be used for MySQL and ElasticSearch as OpenMetadata Dependencies.

The below guide provides Persistent Volumes provisioning as static volumes (meaning you will be responsible to create, maintain and destroy Persistent Volumes).

Please note that we are using one AWS Elastic File System (EFS) service with subdirectories as airflow-dags and airflow-logs with the reference in this documentation. Also, it is presumed that airflow-dags and airflow-logs directories are already available on that file system.

In order to create directories inside the AWS Elastic File System (EFS) you would need to follow these steps.

Create Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume claims with the below command.

Create Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume claims with the below command.

Since airflow pods run as non root users, they would not have write access on the nfs server volumes. In order to fix the permission here, spin up a pod with persistent volumes attached and run it once.

You can find more reference on AWS EFS permissions in docs here.

Airflow runs the pods with linux user name as airflow and linux user id as 50000.

Run the below command to create the pod and fix the permissions

Override openmetadata dependencies airflow helm values to bind the efs persistent volumes for DAGs and logs.

For more information on airflow helm chart values, please refer to airflow-helm.

When deploying openmetadata dependencies helm chart, use the below command -

The above command uses configurations defined here. You can modify any configuration and deploy by passing your own values.yaml

Once the openmetadata dependencies helm chart deployed, you can then run the below command to install the openmetadata helm chart -

Again, this uses the values defined here. Use the --values flag to point to your own YAML configuration if needed.