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Java Memory Heap Issue

If your openmetadata pods are not in ready state at any point in time and the openmetadata pod logs speaks about the below issue -

This is due to the default JVM Heap Space configuration (1 GiB) being not enough for your workloads. In order to resolve this issue, head over to your custom openmetadata helm values and append the below environment variable

The flag Xmx specifies the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java virtual machine (JVM), while Xms specifies the initial memory allocation pool.

Upgrade the helm charts with the above changes using the following command helm upgrade --install openmetadata open-metadata/openmetadata --values <values.yml> --namespace <namespaceName>. Update this command your values.yml filename and namespaceName where you have deployed OpenMetadata in Kubernetes.

PostgreSQL Issue permission denied to create extension "pgcrypto"

If you are facing the below issue with PostgreSQL as Database Backend for OpenMetadata Application,

It seems the Database User does not have sufficient privileges. In order to resolve the above issue, grant usage permissions to the PSQL User.

In the above command, replace <openmetadata_psql_user> with the sql user used by OpenMetadata Application to connect to PostgreSQL Database.

How to extend and use custom docker images with OpenMetadata Helm Charts ?

OpenMetadata helm charts uses official published docker images from DockerHub. A typical scenario will be to install organization certificates for connecting with inhouse systems.

For Example -

where needs to point to the same version of the OpenMetadata server, for example This image needs to be built and published to the container registry of your choice.

The OpenMetadata Application gets installed as part of openmetadata helm chart. In this step, update the custom helm values using YAML file to point the image created in the previous step. For example, create a helm values file named values.yaml with the following contents -

Upgrade/Install your openmetadata helm charts with the below single command:

One possible use case where you would need to use a custom image for the ingestion is because you have developed your own custom connectors. You can find a complete working example of this here. After you have your code ready, the steps would be the following:

For example -

where needs to point to the same version of the OpenMetadata server, for example This image needs to be built and published to the container registry of your choice.

The ingestion containers (which is the one shipping Airflow) gets installed in the openmetadata-dependencies helm chart. In this step, we use our own custom values YAML file to point to the image we just created on the previous step. You can create a file named values.deps.yaml with the following contents:

Upgrade/Install your openmetadata-dependencies helm charts with the below single command:

How to disable MySQL and ElasticSearch from OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Charts ?

If you are using MySQL and ElasticSearch externally, you would want to disable the local installation of mysql and elasticsearch while installing OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Chart. You can disable the MySQL and ElasticSearch Helm Dependencies by setting enabled: false value for each dependency. Below is the command to set helm values from Helm CLI -

Alternatively, you can create a custom YAML file named values.deps.yaml to disable installation of MySQL and Elasticsearch .

How to configure external database like PostgreSQL with OpenMetadata Helm Charts ?

OpenMetadata Supports PostgreSQL as one of the Database Dependencies. OpenMetadata Helm Charts by default does not include PostgreSQL as Database Dependencies. In order to configure Helm Charts with External Database like PostgreSQL, follow the below guide to make the helm values change and upgrade / install OpenMetadata helm charts with the same.

We ship airflow-helm as one of OpenMetadata Dependencies with default values to connect to MySQL Database as part of externalDatabase configurations.

You can find more information on setting the externalDatabase as part of helm values here.

With OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Charts, your helm values would look something like below -

For the above code, it is assumed you are creating a kubernetes secret for storing Airflow Database login Credentials. A sample command to create the secret will be kubectl create secret generic airflow-postgresql-secrets --from-literal=airflow-postgresql-password=<password>.

Update the openmetadata.config.database.* helm values for OpenMetadata Application to connect to External Database like PostgreSQL.

With OpenMetadata Helm Charts, your helm values would look something like below -

For the above code, it is assumed you are creating a kubernetes secret for storing OpenMetadata Database login Credentials. A sample command to create the secret will be kubectl create secret generic openmetadata-postgresql-secrets --from-literal=openmetadata-postgresql-password=<password>.

Once you make the above changes to your helm values, run the below command to install/upgrade helm charts -

Getting an error when install OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Charts on EKS with EFS

If you are facing the below issue -

This error is typically related to EKS Cluster not able to reach to EFS File systems. You can check the security groups associated between the connectivity EFS and EKS. Here is an article which further describes the steps required to create Security Group Rules for EKS to use EFS over port 2049.

It can also happen if the mount targets are already available for EKS Nodes but the Nodes do not pick that up. In such cases, you can do an AWS AutoScaling Group instance refresh in order for EKS nodes to get the available mount targets.

How to customize OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Chart with custom helm values

Our OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Charts are internally depends on three sub-charts -

If you are looking to customize the deployments of any of the above dependencies, please refer to the above links for customizations of helm values for further references.

By default, OpenMetadata Dependencies helm chart provides initial generic customization of these helm values in order to get you started quickly. You can refer to the openmetadata-dependencies helm charts default values here.