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How to Contribute

Welcome to OpenMetadata. Our goal is to build an Open standard for Metadata. We genuinely believe this mission can only be achieved through building a great community.

We ❤️ all contributions, big and small!

Look for issues under GitHub/issues tab. If you have a feature request or found a bug please file an issue. This will help us track and will help the community overall as well.

GitHub issues

OpenMetadata GitHub repository can be accessed here

Fork GitHub project

Create a local clone of your fork

Set a new remote repository that points to the OpenMetadata repository to pull changes from the open-source OpenMetadata codebase into your clone

Make changes. Follow the Build the code & run tests on how to set up IntelliJ, Maven.

  1. Go to
  2. It should show an option to open a pull request.
Open a pull request

  1. If not, click on "New Pull request"
New Pull request

  1. Select your fork repository and branch
Select your fork repository and branch

  1. Click "Create pull request"

Please reach out to us anytime you need any help. Slack would be the fastest way to get a response.