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Tests in the YAML Config

Here you can see all the supported tests definitions and how to configure them in the YAML config file.

A Test Definition is a generic definition of a test. This Test Definition then gets specified in a Test Case. This Test Case is where the parameter(s) of a Test Definition are specified.

In this section, you will learn what tests we currently support and how to configure them in the YAML/JSON config file.

Tests applied on top of a Table. Here is the list of all table tests:

Validate the total row count in the table is equal to the given value.


  • value: Expected number of rows.


value match the number of rows in the tableSuccess ✅
value does not match the number of rows in the tableFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the total row count is within a given range of values.


  • minValue: Lower bound of the interval. If informed, the number of rows should be bigger than this number.
  • maxValue: Upper bound of the interval. If informed, the number of rows should be lower than this number.

Any of those two need to be informed.


The number of rows in the table is between minValue and maxValueSuccess ✅
The number of rows in the table is not between minValue and maxValueFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate that the number of columns in a table is equal to a given value.


  • columnCount: Expected number of columns.


columnCount matches the number of column in the tableSuccess ✅
columnCount does not matches the number of column in the tableFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the number of columns in a table is between the given value


  • minColValue: lower bound
  • maxColValue: upper bound


The number of columns in the table is between minColValue and maxColValueSuccess ✅
The number of columns in the table is not between minColValue and maxColValueFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate a column name is present in the table


  • columnName: the name of the column to check for


columnName exists in the set of column name for the tableSuccess ✅
columnName does not exists in the set of column name for the tableFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate a list of table column name matches an expected set of columns


  • columnNames: comma separated string of column name
  • ordered: whether the test should check for column ordering. Default to False


[ordered=False] columnNames matches the list of column names in the table regardless of the orderSuccess ✅
[ordered=True] columnNames matches the list of column names in the table in the corresponding order (e.g. ["a","b"] == ["a","b"]Success ✅
[ordered=FALSE] columnNames does no match the list of column names in the table regardless of the orderFailed ❌
[ordered=True] columnNames does no match the list of column names in the table and/or the corresponding order (e.g. ["a","b"] != ["b","a"]Failed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Write you own SQL test. When writting your query you can use 2 strategies:

  • ROWS (default): expects the query to be written as SELECT <field>, <field> FROM <foo> WHERE <condition>. Note if your query returns a large amount of rows it might cause an "Out Of Memeory" error. In this case we recomend you to use the COUNT strategy.
  • COUNT: expects the query to be written as SELECT COUNT(<field>) FROM <foo> WHERE <condition>.

How to use the Threshold Parameter? The threshold allows you to define a limit for which you test should pass or fail - by defaut this number is 0. For example if my custom SQL query test returns 10 rows (or a COUNT value of 10) and my threshold is 5 the test will fail. If I update my threshold to 11 on my next run my test will pass.


  • sqlExpression: SQL expression
  • strategy: one of ROWS or COUNT
  • threshold: an integer defining the threshold above which the test should fail (default to 0 if not specified)


sqlExpression returns row <= threshold (default to 0)Success ✅
sqlExpression returns row > threshold (default to 0)Failed ❌


YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the number of rows inserted for the defined period is between the expected range

The Table Row Inserted Count To Be Between cannot be executed against tables that have configured a partition in OpenMetadata. The logic of the test performed will be similar to executing a Table Row Count to be Between test against a table with a partition configured.


  • Min Row Count: Lower bound
  • Max Row Count: Upper bound
  • Column Name: The name of the column used to apply the range filter
  • Range Type: One of HOUR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR
  • Interval: The range interval (e.g. 1,2,3,4,5, etc)


Number of rows is between Min Row Count and Max Row CountSuccess ✅
Number of rows is not between Min Row Count and `Max Row CountFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Tests applied on top of Column metrics. Here is the list of all column tests:

Makes sure that there are no duplicate values in a given column.


column values are uniqueSuccess ✅
column values are not uniqueFailed ❌


  • columnValuesToBeUnique: To be set as true. This is required for proper JSON parsing in the profiler module.

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validates that there are no null values in the column.


  • columnValuesToBeNotNull: To be set as true. This is required for proper JSON parsing in the profiler module.


No NULL values are present in the columnSuccess ✅
1 or more NULL values are present in the columnFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

This test allows us to specify how many values in a column we expect that will match a certain regex expression. Please note that for certain databases we will fall back to SQL LIKE expression. The databases supporting regex pattern as of 0.13.2 are:

  • redshift
  • postgres
  • oracle
  • mysql
  • mariaDB
  • sqlite
  • clickhouse
  • snowflake

The other databases will fall back to the LIKE expression


  • regex: expression to match a regex pattern. E.g., [a-zA-Z0-9]{5}.


All column values match regexSuccess ✅
1 or more column values do not match regexFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

This test allows us to specify values in a column we expect that will not match a certain regex expression. If the test find values matching the forbiddenRegex the test will fail. Please note that for certain databases we will fall back to SQL LIKE expression. The databases supporting regex pattern as of 0.13.2 are:

  • redshift
  • postgres
  • oracle
  • mysql
  • mariaDB
  • sqlite
  • clickhouse
  • snowflake

The other databases will fall back to the LIKE expression


  • regex: expression to match a regex pattern. E.g., [a-zA-Z0-9]{5}.


0 column value match regexSuccess ✅
1 or more column values match regexFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate values form a set are present in a column.


  • allowedValues: List of allowed strings or numbers.


matchEnum is false and 1 or more values from allowedValues is found in the columnSuccess ✅
matchEnum is true and all columns have a value from allowedValuesSuccess ✅
matchEnum is false 0 value from allowedValues is found in the columnFailed ❌
matchEnum is true and 1 or more columns does not have a vluae from allowedValuesFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

JSON Config

Validate that there are no values in a column in a set of forbidden values.


  • forbiddenValues: List of forbidden strings or numbers.


0 value from forbiddenValues is found in the columnSuccess ✅
1 or more values from forbiddenValues is found in the columnFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate that the values of a column are within a given range.

Only supports numerical types.


  • minValue: Lower bound of the interval. If informed, the column values should be bigger than this number.
  • maxValue: Upper bound of the interval. If informed, the column values should be lower than this number.

Any of those two need to be informed.


value is between minValue and maxValueSuccess ✅
value is greater than minValue if only minValue is specifiedSuccess ✅
value is less then maxValue if only maxValue is specifiedSuccess ✅
value is not between minValue and maxValueFailed ❌
value is less than minValue if only minValue is specifiedFailed ❌
value is greater then maxValue if only maxValue is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validates that the number of missing values matches a given number. Missing values are the sum of nulls, plus the sum of values in a given list which we need to consider as missing data. A clear example of that would be NA or N/A.


  • missingCountValue: The number of missing values needs to be equal to this. This field is mandatory.
  • missingValueMatch (Optional): A list of strings to consider as missing values.


Number of missing value is equal to missingCountValueSuccess ✅
Number of missing value is not equal to missingCountValueFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

JSON Config

Validates that the lengths of the strings in a column are within a given range.

Only supports concatenable types.


  • minLength: Lower bound of the interval. If informed, the string length should be bigger than this number.
  • maxLength: Upper bound of the interval. If informed, the string length should be lower than this number.

Any of those two need to be informed.


value length is between minLength and maxLengthSuccess ✅
value length is greater than minLength if only minLength is specifiedSuccess ✅
value length is less then maxLength if only maxLength is specifiedSuccess ✅
value length is not between minLength and maxLengthFailed ❌
value length is less than minLength if only minLength is specifiedFailed ❌
value length is greater then maxLength if only maxLength is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the maximum value of a column is between a specific range

Only supports numerical types.


  • minValueForMaxInCol: lower bound
  • maxValueForMaxInCol: upper bound


column max value is between minValueForMaxInCol and maxValueForMaxInColSuccess ✅
column max value is greater than minValueForMaxInCol if only minValueForMaxInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column max value is less then maxValueForMaxInCol if only maxValueForMaxInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column max value is not between minValueForMaxInCol and maxValueForMaxInColFailed ❌
column max value is less than minValueForMaxInCol if only minValueForMaxInCol is specifiedFailed ❌
column max value is greater then maxValueForMaxInCol if only maxValueForMaxInCol is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the minimum value of a column is between a specific range

Only supports numerical types.


  • minValueForMinInCol: lower bound
  • maxValueForMinInCol: upper bound


column min value is between minValueForMinInCol and maxValueForMinInColSuccess ✅
column min value is greater than minValueForMinInCol if only minValueForMinInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column min value is less then maxValueForMinInCol if only maxValueForMinInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column min value is not between minValueForMinInCol and maxValueForMinInColFailed ❌
column min value is less than minValueForMinInCol if only minValueForMinInCol is specifiedFailed ❌
column min value is greater then maxValueForMinInCol if only maxValueForMinInCol is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the mean of a column is between a specific range

Only supports numerical types.


  • minValueForMeanInCol: lower bound
  • maxValueForMeanInCol: upper bound


column mean value is between minValueForMeanInCol and maxValueForMeanInColSuccess ✅
column mean value is greater than minValueForMeanInCol if only minValueForMeanInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column mean value is less then maxValueForMeanInCol if only maxValueForMeanInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column mean value is not between minValueForMeanInCol and maxValueForMeanInColFailed ❌
column mean value is less than minValueForMeanInCol if only minValueForMeanInCol is specifiedFailed ❌
column mean value is greater then maxValueForMeanInCol if only maxValueForMeanInCol is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the median of a column is between a specific range

Only supports numerical types.


  • minValueForMedianInCol: lower bound
  • maxValueForMedianInCol: upper bound


column median value is between minValueForMedianInCol and maxValueForMedianInColSuccess ✅
column median value is greater than minValueForMedianInCol if only minValueForMedianInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column median value is less then maxValueForMedianInCol if only maxValueForMedianInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column median value is not between minValueForMedianInCol and maxValueForMedianInColFailed ❌
column median value is less than minValueForMedianInCol if only minValueForMedianInCol is specifiedFailed ❌
column median value is greater then maxValueForMedianInCol if only maxValueForMedianInCol is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the sum of a column is between a specific range

Only supports numerical types.


  • minValueForColSum: lower bound
  • maxValueForColSum: upper bound


Sum of the column values is between minValueForColSum and maxValueForColSumSuccess ✅
Sum of the column values is greater than minValueForColSum if only minValueForColSum is specifiedSuccess ✅
Sum of the column values is less then maxValueForColSum if only maxValueForColSum is specifiedSuccess ✅
Sum of the column values is not between minValueForColSum and maxValueForColSumFailed ❌
Sum of the column values is less than minValueForColSum if only minValueForColSum is specifiedFailed ❌
Sum of the column values is greater then maxValueForColSum if only maxValueForColSum is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config

Validate the standard deviation of a column is between a specific range

Only supports numerical types.


  • minValueForStdDevInCol: lower bound
  • minValueForStdDevInCol: upper bound


column values standard deviation is between minValueForStdDevInCol and minValueForStdDevInColSuccess ✅
column values standard deviation is greater than minValueForStdDevInCol if only minValueForStdDevInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column values standard deviation is less then minValueForStdDevInCol if only minValueForStdDevInCol is specifiedSuccess ✅
column values standard deviation is not between minValueForStdDevInCol and minValueForStdDevInColFailed ❌
column values standard deviation is less than minValueForStdDevInCol if only minValueForStdDevInCol is specifiedFailed ❌
column values standard deviation is greater then minValueForStdDevInCol if only minValueForStdDevInCol is specifiedFailed ❌

YAML Config

JSON Config