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What are Tiers

Tiering is an important concept of data classification in OpenMetadata. Tiers should be based on the importance of data. Using Tiers, data producers or owners can define the importance of data to an organization.

In OpenMetadata, Tiers are System Classification tags and can be accessed from Govern > Classification > Tier.

Classification Tags: Tiers

Classification Tags: Tiers

In case of tiering, it is easiest to start with the most important (Tier 1) and the least important (Tier 5) data. Once the Tier 1 or most important data is identified, organizations can focus on improving the descriptions and data quality. The Data Insights in OpenMetadata helps identify the unused datasets as Tier 5. The Tier 5 datasets can be deleted periodically to declutter. Other tiers can be added as per your organizational needs. Tags can be added to further mark the data assets.

TierImpactUsed forType of ImpactUsage
Tier 1HighExternal & Internal DecisionsRevenue, Regulatory, & ReputationalHighly used
Tier 2ModerateSome External & Mostly Internal DecisionsSome RegulatoryHighly used
Tier 3LowInternal Decisions-Highly used (Top N percentile)
Tier 4LowInternal Team Decisions--
Tier 5Individual ownedUnused Datasets--

From the Explore page, select a data asset and click on the edit icon for Tier. Select the appropriate tier. Clicking on the arrow next to the tier will provide a description of the tier.

Add a Tier to Data Asset

Add a Tier to Data Asset

Best Practices for Classification

Here are the Best Practices around Classification.