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PRivate Configuration for the CollateAI External Application.

  • waiiInstance (string, format: URI): WAII API host URL. Default: "".
  • collateURL (string, format: URI): Collate Server public URL. WAII will use this information to interact with the server. E.g.,
  • token (string, format: password): WAII API Token.
  • limits: Limits for the CollateAI Application. Refer to #/definitions/collateAILimits.
  • collateAILimits (object): Limits for the CollateAI Application.
    • descriptions (integer): Maximum number of descriptions generated by the CollateAI.
    • queries (integer): Maximum number of queries generated by CollateAI.
    • billingCycleStart: Start of the billing cycle. Refer to ../../../../../type/basic.json#/definitions/date.

Documentation file automatically generated at 2025-01-15 09:05:25.266839+00:00.