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In this section, we provide guides and references to use the Exasol connector.

Configure and schedule Exasol metadata and profiler workflows from the OpenMetadata UI:

To run the Ingestion via the UI you'll need to use the OpenMetadata Ingestion Container, which comes shipped with custom Airflow plugins to handle the workflow deployment.

If, instead, you want to manage your workflows externally on your preferred orchestrator, you can check the following docs to run the Ingestion Framework anywhere.

We have support for Python versions 3.8-3.11

To run the Exasol ingestion, you will need to install:

This is a sample config for Exasol:

username The username required to authenticate and connect to the Exasol database. The user must have sufficient privileges to access and read all the metadata available in Exasol.

password The password associated with the user account used to connect to the Exasol database. Ensure this password corresponds to the specified username and is stored securely. Avoid sharing passwords in plain text and use secure methods for managing sensitive credentials.

hostPort Provide the fully qualified hostname and port number of your Exasol deployment in the "Host and Port" field.

SSL/TLS Settings Mode/setting for SSL validation:

  • validate-certificate: Uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) and validates the server certificate using system certificate stores.

  • ignore-certificate: Uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) but disables the validation of the server certificate. This should not be used in production. It can be useful during testing with self-signed certificates.

  • disable-tls: Does not use any Transport Layer Security (TLS). Data will be sent in plain text (no encryption). While this may be helpful in rare cases of debugging, make sure you do not use this in production.

Connection Options (Optional): Enter the details for any additional connection options that can be sent to database during the connection. These details must be added as Key-Value pairs.

Connection Arguments (Optional): Enter the details for any additional connection arguments such as security or protocol configs that can be sent to database during the connection. These details must be added as Key-Value pairs.


First, we will need to save the YAML file. Afterward, and with all requirements installed, we can run:

Note that from connector to connector, this recipe will always be the same. By updating the YAML configuration, you will be able to extract metadata from different sources.