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In this section, we provide guides and references to use the SAP HANA connector.

Configure and schedule SAP HANA metadata and profiler workflows from the OpenMetadata UI:

To run the Ingestion via the UI you'll need to use the OpenMetadata Ingestion Container, which comes shipped with custom Airflow plugins to handle the workflow deployment.

If, instead, you want to manage your workflows externally on your preferred orchestrator, you can check the following docs to run the Ingestion Framework anywhere.

OpenMetadata 1.1 or later

To deploy OpenMetadata, check the Deployment guides.

We have support for Python versions 3.8-3.11

To run the SAP HANA ingestion, you will need to install:

To extract metadata the user used in the connection needs to have access to the SYS schema.

You can create a new user to run the ingestion with:

And, if you have password policies forcing users to reset the password, you can disable that policy for this technical user with:

Note that in order to get the metadata for Calculation Views, Analytics Views and Attribute Views, you need to have enough permissions on the _SYS_BIC schema. You can grant the required permissions to the user by running the following SQL commands:

The same applies to the _SYS_REPO schema, required for lineage extraction.

Executing the profiler Workflow or data quality tests, will require the user to have SELECT permission on the tables/schemas where the profiler/tests will be executed. The user should also be allowed to view information in tables for all objects in the database. More information on the profiler workflow setup can be found here and data quality tests here.

All connectors are defined as JSON Schemas. Here you can find the structure to create a connection to SAP HANA.

In order to create and run a Metadata Ingestion workflow, we will follow the steps to create a YAML configuration able to connect to the source, process the Entities if needed, and reach the OpenMetadata server.

The workflow is modeled around the following JSON Schema

This is a sample config for SAP HANA:

We support two possible connection types:

  1. SQL Connection, where you will the username, password and host.
  2. HDB User Store connection. Note that the HDB Store will need to be locally available to the instance running the ingestion process. If you are unsure about this setting, you can run the ingestion process passing the usual SQL connection details.

If using the SQL Connection, inform:

hostPort: Host and port of the SAP HANA service. This should be specified as a string in the format hostname:port. E.g., localhost:39041, host.docker.internal:39041.

username: Specify the User to connect to SAP HANA. It should have enough privileges to read all the metadata.

password: Password to connect to SAP HANA.

database: Optional parameter to connect to a specific database.

databaseSchema: databaseSchema of the data source. This is an optional parameter, if you would like to restrict the metadata reading to a single schema. When left blank, OpenMetadata Ingestion attempts to scan all the schemas.

If you have a User Store configured, then:

userKey: HDB Store User Key generated from the command hdbuserstore SET <KEY> <host:port> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>.

The sourceConfig is defined here:

markDeletedTables: To flag tables as soft-deleted if they are not present anymore in the source system.

markDeletedStoredProcedures: Optional configuration to soft delete stored procedures in OpenMetadata if the source stored procedures are deleted. Also, if the stored procedures is deleted, all the associated entities like lineage, etc., with that stored procedures will be deleted.

includeTables: true or false, to ingest table data. Default is true.

includeViews: true or false, to ingest views definitions.

includeTags: Optional configuration to toggle the tags ingestion.

includeOwners: Set the 'Include Owners' toggle to control whether to include owners to the ingested entity if the owner email matches with a user stored in the OM server as part of metadata ingestion. If the ingested entity already exists and has an owner, the owner will not be overwritten.

includeStoredProcedures: Optional configuration to toggle the Stored Procedures ingestion.

includeDDL: Optional configuration to toggle the DDL Statements ingestion.

overrideMetadata (boolean): Set the 'Override Metadata' toggle to control whether to override the existing metadata in the OpenMetadata server with the metadata fetched from the source. If the toggle is set to true, the metadata fetched from the source will override the existing metadata in the OpenMetadata server. If the toggle is set to false, the metadata fetched from the source will not override the existing metadata in the OpenMetadata server. This is applicable for fields like description, tags, owner and displayName.

queryLogDuration: Configuration to tune how far we want to look back in query logs to process Stored Procedures results.

queryParsingTimeoutLimit: Configuration to set the timeout for parsing the query in seconds.

useFqnForFiltering: Regex will be applied on fully qualified name (e.g service_name.db_name.schema_name.table_name) instead of raw name (e.g. table_name).

databaseFilterPattern, schemaFilterPattern, tableFilterPattern: Note that the filter supports regex as include or exclude. You can find examples here

threads (beta): The number of threads to use when extracting the metadata using multithreading. Please take a look here before configuring this.

databaseMetadataConfigType (string): Database Source Config Metadata Pipeline type.

incremental (beta): Incremental Extraction configuration. Currently implemented for:

To send the metadata to OpenMetadata, it needs to be specified as type: metadata-rest.

The main property here is the openMetadataServerConfig, where you can define the host and security provider of your OpenMetadata installation.

Logger Level

You can specify the loggerLevel depending on your needs. If you are trying to troubleshoot an ingestion, running with DEBUG will give you far more traces for identifying issues.

JWT Token

JWT tokens will allow your clients to authenticate against the OpenMetadata server. To enable JWT Tokens, you will get more details here.

You can refer to the JWT Troubleshooting section link for any issues in your JWT configuration.

Store Service Connection

If set to true (default), we will store the sensitive information either encrypted via the Fernet Key in the database or externally, if you have configured any Secrets Manager.

If set to false, the service will be created, but the service connection information will only be used by the Ingestion Framework at runtime, and won't be sent to the OpenMetadata server.

Store Service Connection

If set to true (default), we will store the sensitive information either encrypted via the Fernet Key in the database or externally, if you have configured any Secrets Manager.

If set to false, the service will be created, but the service connection information will only be used by the Ingestion Framework at runtime, and won't be sent to the OpenMetadata server.

SSL Configuration

If you have added SSL to the OpenMetadata server, then you will need to handle the certificates when running the ingestion too. You can either set verifySSL to ignore, or have it as validate, which will require you to set the sslConfig.caCertificate with a local path where your ingestion runs that points to the server certificate file.

Find more information on how to troubleshoot SSL issues here.

Connection Options (Optional): Enter the details for any additional connection options that can be sent to database during the connection. These details must be added as Key-Value pairs.

Connection Arguments (Optional): Enter the details for any additional connection arguments such as security or protocol configs that can be sent to database during the connection. These details must be added as Key-Value pairs.

  • In case you are using Single-Sign-On (SSO) for authentication, add the authenticator details in the Connection Arguments as a Key-Value pair as follows: "authenticator" : "sso_login_url"

First, we will need to save the YAML file. Afterward, and with all requirements installed, we can run:

Note that from connector to connector, this recipe will always be the same. By updating the YAML configuration, you will be able to extract metadata from different sources.

After running a Metadata Ingestion workflow, we can run Lineage workflow. While the serviceName will be the same to that was used in Metadata Ingestion, so the ingestion bot can get the serviceConnection details from the server.

This is a sample config for BigQuery Lineage:

You can find all the definitions and types for the sourceConfig here.

queryLogDuration: Configuration to tune how far we want to look back in query logs to process lineage data in days.

parsingTimeoutLimit: Configuration to set the timeout for parsing the query in seconds.

filterCondition: Condition to filter the query history.

resultLimit: Configuration to set the limit for query logs.

queryLogFilePath: Configuration to set the file path for query logs.

databaseFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch databases that matches the pattern.

schemaFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch tables or databases that matches the pattern.

tableFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch tables or databases that matches the pattern.

overrideViewLineage: Set the 'Override View Lineage' toggle to control whether to override the existing view lineage.

processViewLineage: Set the 'Process View Lineage' toggle to control whether to process view lineage.

processQueryLineage: Set the 'Process Query Lineage' toggle to control whether to process query lineage.

processStoredProcedureLineage: Set the 'Process Stored ProcedureLog Lineage' toggle to control whether to process stored procedure lineage.

threads: Number of Threads to use in order to parallelize lineage ingestion.

To send the metadata to OpenMetadata, it needs to be specified as type: metadata-rest.

The main property here is the openMetadataServerConfig, where you can define the host and security provider of your OpenMetadata installation.

For a simple, local installation using our docker containers, this looks like:

  • You can learn more about how to configure and run the Lineage Workflow to extract Lineage data from here

After saving the YAML config, we will run the command the same way we did for the metadata ingestion:

The Data Profiler workflow will be using the orm-profiler processor.

After running a Metadata Ingestion workflow, we can run the Data Profiler workflow. While the serviceName will be the same to that was used in Metadata Ingestion, so the ingestion bot can get the serviceConnection details from the server.

This is a sample config for the profiler:

You can find all the definitions and types for the sourceConfig here.

profileSample: Percentage of data or no. of rows we want to execute the profiler and tests on.

threadCount: Number of threads to use during metric computations.

timeoutSeconds: Profiler Timeout in Seconds

databaseFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch databases that matches the pattern.

schemaFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch tables or databases that matches the pattern.

tableFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch tables or databases that matches the pattern.

Choose the orm-profiler. Its config can also be updated to define tests from the YAML itself instead of the UI:

tableConfig: tableConfig allows you to set up some configuration at the table level.

To send the metadata to OpenMetadata, it needs to be specified as type: metadata-rest.

The main property here is the openMetadataServerConfig, where you can define the host and security provider of your OpenMetadata installation.

Logger Level

You can specify the loggerLevel depending on your needs. If you are trying to troubleshoot an ingestion, running with DEBUG will give you far more traces for identifying issues.

JWT Token

JWT tokens will allow your clients to authenticate against the OpenMetadata server. To enable JWT Tokens, you will get more details here.

You can refer to the JWT Troubleshooting section link for any issues in your JWT configuration.

Store Service Connection

If set to true (default), we will store the sensitive information either encrypted via the Fernet Key in the database or externally, if you have configured any Secrets Manager.

If set to false, the service will be created, but the service connection information will only be used by the Ingestion Framework at runtime, and won't be sent to the OpenMetadata server.

Store Service Connection

If set to true (default), we will store the sensitive information either encrypted via the Fernet Key in the database or externally, if you have configured any Secrets Manager.

If set to false, the service will be created, but the service connection information will only be used by the Ingestion Framework at runtime, and won't be sent to the OpenMetadata server.

SSL Configuration

If you have added SSL to the OpenMetadata server, then you will need to handle the certificates when running the ingestion too. You can either set verifySSL to ignore, or have it as validate, which will require you to set the sslConfig.caCertificate with a local path where your ingestion runs that points to the server certificate file.

Find more information on how to troubleshoot SSL issues here.

  • You can learn more about how to configure and run the Profiler Workflow to extract Profiler data and execute the Data Quality from here

After saving the YAML config, we will run the command the same way we did for the metadata ingestion:

Note now instead of running ingest, we are using the profile command to select the Profiler workflow.

The Auto Classification workflow will be using the orm-profiler processor.

After running a Metadata Ingestion workflow, we can run the Auto Classification workflow. While the serviceName will be the same to that was used in Metadata Ingestion, so the ingestion bot can get the serviceConnection details from the server.

This is a sample config for the Auto Classification Workflow:

You can find all the definitions and types for the sourceConfig here.

storeSampleData: Option to turn on/off storing sample data. If enabled, we will ingest sample data for each table.

enableAutoClassification: Optional configuration to automatically tag columns that might contain sensitive information.

confidence: Set the Confidence value for which you want the column to be tagged as PII. Confidence value ranges from 0 to 100. A higher number will yield less false positives but more false negatives. A lower number will yield more false positives but less false negatives.

databaseFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch databases that matches the pattern.

schemaFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch tables or databases that matches the pattern.

tableFilterPattern: Regex to only fetch tables or databases that matches the pattern.

Choose the orm-profiler. Its config can also be updated to define tests from the YAML itself instead of the UI:

tableConfig: tableConfig allows you to set up some configuration at the table level.

To send the metadata to OpenMetadata, it needs to be specified as type: metadata-rest.

The main property here is the openMetadataServerConfig, where you can define the host and security provider of your OpenMetadata installation.

Logger Level

You can specify the loggerLevel depending on your needs. If you are trying to troubleshoot an ingestion, running with DEBUG will give you far more traces for identifying issues.

JWT Token

JWT tokens will allow your clients to authenticate against the OpenMetadata server. To enable JWT Tokens, you will get more details here.

You can refer to the JWT Troubleshooting section link for any issues in your JWT configuration.

Store Service Connection

If set to true (default), we will store the sensitive information either encrypted via the Fernet Key in the database or externally, if you have configured any Secrets Manager.

If set to false, the service will be created, but the service connection information will only be used by the Ingestion Framework at runtime, and won't be sent to the OpenMetadata server.

Store Service Connection

If set to true (default), we will store the sensitive information either encrypted via the Fernet Key in the database or externally, if you have configured any Secrets Manager.

If set to false, the service will be created, but the service connection information will only be used by the Ingestion Framework at runtime, and won't be sent to the OpenMetadata server.

SSL Configuration

If you have added SSL to the OpenMetadata server, then you will need to handle the certificates when running the ingestion too. You can either set verifySSL to ignore, or have it as validate, which will require you to set the sslConfig.caCertificate with a local path where your ingestion runs that points to the server certificate file.

Find more information on how to troubleshoot SSL issues here.


After saving the YAML config, we will run the command the same way we did for the metadata ingestion:

When creating a JSON config for a test workflow the source configuration is very simple.

The only sections you need to modify here are the serviceName (this name needs to be unique) and entityFullyQualifiedName (the entity for which we'll be executing tests against) keys.

Once you have defined your source configuration you'll need to define te processor configuration.

The processor type should be set to "orm-test-runner". For accepted test definition names and parameter value names refer to the tests page.

You can keep your YAML config as simple as follows if the table already has tests.

  • forceUpdate: if the test case exists (base on the test case name) for the entity, implements the strategy to follow when running the test (i.e. whether or not to update parameters)
  • testCases: list of test cases to add to the entity referenced. Note that we will execute all the tests present in the Table.
  • name: test case name
  • testDefinitionName: test definition
  • columnName: only applies to column test. The name of the column to run the test against
  • parameterValues: parameter values of the test

The sink and workflowConfig will have the same settings as the ingestion and profiler workflow.

To run the tests from the CLI execute the following command