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Configure dbt workflow from OpenMetadata UI

Learn how to configure the dbt workflow from the UI to ingest dbt data from your data sources.

Once the metadata ingestion runs correctly and we are able to explore the service Entities, we can add the dbt information.

This will populate the dbt tab from the Table Entity Page.



We can create a workflow that will obtain the dbt information from the dbt files and feed it to OpenMetadata. The dbt Ingestion will be in charge of obtaining this data.

From the Service Page, go to the Ingestions tab to add a new ingestion and click on Add dbt Ingestion.


Add dbt Ingestion

Here you can enter the configuration required for OpenMetadata to get the dbt files (manifest.json, catalog.json and run_results.json) required to extract the dbt metadata. Select any one of the source from below from where the dbt files can be fetched:

OpenMetadata connects to the AWS s3 bucket via the credentials provided and scans the AWS s3 buckets for manifest.json, catalog.json and run_results.json files.

The name of the s3 bucket and prefix path to the folder in which the dbt files are stored can be provided. In the case where these parameters are not provided all the buckets are scanned for the files.

Follow the link here for instructions on setting up multiple dbt projects.


AWS S3 Bucket Config

OpenMetadata connects to the GCS bucket via the credentials provided and scans the gcp buckets for manifest.json, catalog.json and run_results.json files.

The name of the GCS bucket and prefix path to the folder in which the dbt files are stored can be provided. In the case where these parameters are not provided all the buckets are scanned for the files.

GCS credentials can be stored in two ways:

1. Entering the credentials directly into the form

Follow the link here for instructions on setting up multiple dbt projects.


GCS Bucket config

2. Entering the path of file in which the GCS bucket credentials are stored.


GCS Bucket Path Config

For more information on Google Cloud Storage authentication click here.

OpenMetadata connects to the Azure Storage service via the credentials provided and scans the AWS s3 buckets for manifest.json, catalog.json and run_results.json files.

The name of the s3 bucket and prefix path to the folder in which the dbt files are stored can be provided. In the case where these parameters are not provided all the buckets are scanned for the files.

Follow the link here for instructions on setting up multiple dbt projects.


Azure Storage Config

Path of the manifest.json, catalog.json and run_results.json files stored in the local system or in the container in which openmetadata server is running can be directly provided.


Local Storage Config

File server path of the manifest.json, catalog.json and run_results.json files stored on a file server directly provided.


File Server Config

Click on the the link here for getting started with dbt cloud account setup if not done already. The APIs need to be authenticated using an Authentication Token. Follow the link here to generate an authentication token for your dbt cloud account.

The Account Viewer permission is the minimum requirement for the dbt cloud token.


dbt Cloud config

After clicking Next, you will be redirected to the Scheduling form. This will be the same as the Metadata Ingestion. Select your desired schedule and click on Deploy to find the lineage pipeline being added to the Service Ingestions.


Schedule dbt ingestion pipeline