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Ingest Owner from dbt

Ingest the model/table owner information from dbt manifest.json or catalog.json file into openmetadata tables.

The owner can be a user or a team in OpenMetadata.

Follow the link here to add the owner to the dbt project's schema.yml file

Openmetadata fetches the owner information from the manifest.json file. Below is a sample manifest.json file node containing owner information under node_name->metadata->owner.

Openmetadata fetches the owner information from the catalog.json file. Below is a sample catalog.json file node containing owner information under node_name->metadata->owner.

The user or team which will be set as the entity owner should be first created in OpenMetadata.

While linking the owner from manifest.json or catalog.json files to the entity, OpenMetadata first searches for the user if it is present. If the user is not present it searches for the team

1. Click on the Users section from homepage


Click Users page

2. Click on the Add User button


Click Add User

  1. Enter the details as shown for the user

If the owner's name in manifest.json or catalog.json file is openmetadata, you need to enter in the email id section of add user form as shown below.


Add User

1. Click on the Teams section from homepage


Click Teams page

2. Click on the Add Team button


Click Add Team

3. Enter the details as shown for the team

If the owner's name in manifest.json or catalog.json file is openmetadata, you need to enter openmetadata in the name section of add team form as shown below.


Add Team

After running the ingestion workflow with dbt you can see the created user or team getting linked to the table as it's owner as it was specified in the manifest.json or catalog.json file.


Linked User

If a table already has a owner linked to it, owner from the dbt will not update the current owner.