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Configure OpenMetadata certificates in Airflow

The OpenMetadata configuration related to Airflow (or in general, the Pipeline Service Client) is the following:

Then, in order to add this, you can either update the openmetadata.yaml config if your deployment is Bare Metal, or update the following environment variables:


Note that the PIPELINE_SERVICE_CLIENT_SSL_CERT_PATH should be the path to the certificate you generated here, and it should be the local path in your Airflow deployment.

Enable SSL in Airflow

Airflow has two configurations to be added in airflow.cfg to enable SSL:


Those are files that will need to be local to the Airflow deployment.

We can generate these files following this SO thread:

and we can provide the following answers to try this locally:

This command will generate the pair airflow.key and airflow.crt.

Once the files are generated we need to add them to the Airflow deployment. For example, if using the openmetadata-ingestion image, you can update it to add the following lines:

If you now start Airflow with these changes, it will be running at https://localhost:8080.

Since Airflow will be using SSL, we need to update the OpenMetadata Server configuration to use the certificates when preparing the connection to the Airflow Webserver.

The pipelineServiceClientConfiguration will look like the following:

Update the truststorePath and truststorePassword accordingly, pointing to the keystore in your server host holding the certificates we created.

For docker deployments, you will provide OpenMetadata Server Application with the self signed certificates of Airflow bundled in JVM keystore. These will be passed to the application using AIRFLOW_TRUST_STORE_PATH and AIRFLOW_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD environment variable.

Please make sure to have the the truststore file mounted and available as part of Docker Deployments.

For kubernetes deployments, update the helm values as below -

In the above code snippet, we are mounting the volumes of truststore file from a kubernetes secret. You can create the secret from truststore.jks file from the below kubectl command -

Next, restart or redeploy openmetadata application to take the above configs in effect.

For example, if we are running the server locally, we need to add the certificate to the JVM cacerts store:

Then, the values of the YAML config would be something similar to:

Make sure to update these values to the ones in your host. Also, it's always preferred to use environment variables instead of hardcoding sensitive information.