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Create the Java ClassConverter

If and only if you had to use the oneOf property type on your connector's JSON Schema you also need to implement a Java ClassConverter to be able to instantiate the correct class from the configuration.

Without this, Java doesn't know the proper Class to instantiate and it wouldn't work as expected.

This is necessary even if you are indirectly using a oneOf property by referencing another JSON Schema that uses it.

In order to implement the ClassConverter you need to create a new file within


There you should create a new public class that extends ClassConverter. The easiest way to achieve this is to use another ClassConverter as a reference.

Here we will see how to create a ClassConverter for the MysqlConnection, where we define the authType using the oneOf attribute.

The file will be shortened and parts of it will be replaced with ... for readability.

Before anything else you need to remember to import the needed classes.

In this example we need to import the MysqlConnection itself and both the IamAuthConfig and basicAuth. It is important to remember that this classes are generated from the JSON Schema and can be found within openmetadata-spec/target/classes/org/openmetadata/schema/services/connections.

If you remember from Define the JSON Schema, the MysqlConnection uses oneOf to define the authType property:

With the needed imports in place, now it is time to extend the ClassConverter class to create the MysqlConnectionClassConverter.

We are overriding the convert method and going the following:

  1. Creating a MysqlConnection instance from the json object received
  2. Getting the AuthType configuration and trying to use it to instantiate either a basicAuth or a IamAuthConfig. The first success will be returned.
  3. We set the AuthType to be this newly instantaited class
  4. We return the MysqlConnection instance.

Now that your ClassConverter is implemented you need to add it to the file, located in the same path.

The file will be shortened and parts of it will be replaced with ... for readability.

Before anything else you need to remember to import your ClassConverter

Now you just need to add a new Map.entry to the converterMap.


Now that the code is ready, let's learn how to test it!

Test It

Learn how to test your new connector!