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Detailed status of the destination during a test operation, including HTTP response information.

  • status (string): Overall test status, indicating if the test operation succeeded or failed. Must be one of: ["Success", "Failed"].
  • reason (string): Detailed reason for failure if the test did not succeed.
  • statusCode (integer): HTTP status code of the response (e.g., 200 for OK, 404 for Not Found).
  • statusInfo (string): HTTP status reason phrase associated with the status code (e.g., 'Not Found').
  • headers: HTTP headers returned in the response as a map of header names to values.
  • entity (string): Body of the HTTP response, if any, returned by the server.
  • mediaType (string): Media type of the response entity, if specified (e.g., application/json).
  • location (string, format: uri): URL location if the response indicates a redirect or newly created resource.
  • timestamp: Timestamp when the response was received, in UNIX epoch time milliseconds. Refer to ../type/basic.json#/definitions/timestamp.

Documentation file automatically generated at 2025-01-15 09:05:25.266839+00:00.