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This schema defines basic common types that are used by other schemas.

  • integer (integer): An integer type.
  • number (integer): A numeric type that includes integer or floating point numbers.
  • string (string): A String type.
  • uuid (string, format: uuid): Unique id used to identify an entity.
  • email (string, format: email): Email address of a user or other entities.
  • timestamp (integer, format: utc-millisec): Timestamp in Unix epoch time milliseconds.
  • href (string, format: uri): URI that points to a resource.
  • timeInterval (object): Time interval in unixTimeMillis. Cannot contain additional properties.
    • start (integer): Start time in unixTimeMillis.
    • end (integer): End time in unixTimeMillis.
  • duration (string): Duration in ISO 8601 format in UTC. Example - 'P23DT23H'.
  • date (string, format: date): Date in ISO 8601 format in UTC. Example - '2018-11-13'.
  • dateTime (string, format: date-time): Date and time in ISO 8601 format. Example - '2018-11-13T20:20:39+00:00'.
  • time (string, format: time): time in ISO 8601 format. Example - '20:20:39+00:00'.
  • date-cp (string): Date as defined in custom property.
  • dateTime-cp (string): Date and time as defined in custom property.
  • time-cp (string): Time as defined in custom property.
  • enum (array): List of values in Enum.
    • Items (string)
  • timezone (string, format: timezone): Timezone of the user in the format America/Los_Angeles, Brazil/East, etc.
  • entityLink (string): Link to an entity or field within an entity using this format <#E::{entities}::{entityType}::{field}::{arrayFieldName}::{arrayFieldValue}.
  • entityName (string): Name that identifies an entity.
  • testCaseEntityName (string): Name that identifies a test definition and test case.
  • fullyQualifiedEntityName (string): A unique name that identifies an entity. Example for table 'DatabaseService.Database.Schema.Table'.
  • sqlQuery (string): SQL query statement. Example - 'select * from orders'.
  • sqlFunction (string): SQL function. Example - 'AVG(), COUNT()`, etc..
  • markdown (string): Text in Markdown format.
  • expression (string): Expression in SpEL.
  • jsonSchema (string): JSON schema encoded as string. This will be used to validate the JSON fields using this schema.
  • entityExtension: Entity extension data with custom attributes added to the entity.
  • providerType (string): Type of provider of an entity. Some entities are provided by the system. Some are entities created and provided by the user. Typically system provide entities can't be deleted and can only be disabled. Must be one of: ["system", "user"]. Default: "user".
  • componentConfig (object): key/value pairs to pass to workflow component. Can contain additional properties.
    • Additional Properties
  • status (string): State of an action over API. Must be one of: ["success", "failure", "aborted", "partialSuccess"].
  • sourceUrl (string, format: url): Source Url of the respective entity.
  • style (object): UI Style is used to associate a color code and/or icon to entity to customize the look of that entity in UI. Cannot contain additional properties.
    • color (string): Hex Color Code to mark an entity such as GlossaryTerm, Tag, Domain or Data Product.
    • iconURL (string, format: url): An icon to associate with GlossaryTerm, Tag, Domain or Data Product.

Documentation file automatically generated at 2025-01-15 09:05:25.266839+00:00.