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Entity Version History

This schema defines the type used for capturing version of history of entity.

  • entityType (string): Entity type, such as database, table, dashboard, for which this version history is produced.
  • versions (array)
  • entityVersion (number): Metadata version of the entity in the form Major.Minor. First version always starts from 0.1 when the entity is created. When the backward compatible changes are made to the entity, only the Minor version is incremented - example 1.0 is changed to 1.1. When backward incompatible changes are made the Major version is incremented - example 1.1 to 2.0. Minimum: 0.1. Default: 0.1.
  • fieldName (string): Name of the field of an entity.
  • fieldChange (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
    • name: Name of the entity field that changed. Refer to #/definitions/fieldName.
    • oldValue: Previous value of the field. Note that this is a JSON string and use the corresponding field type to deserialize it.
    • newValue: New value of the field. Note that this is a JSON string and use the corresponding field type to deserialize it.
  • changeDescription (object): Description of the change. Cannot contain additional properties.
    • fieldsAdded (array): Names of fields added during the version changes.
    • fieldsUpdated (array): Fields modified during the version changes with old and new values.
    • fieldsDeleted (array): Fields deleted during the version changes with old value before deleted.
    • previousVersion: When a change did not result in change, this could be same as the current version. Refer to #/definitions/entityVersion.

Documentation file automatically generated at 2025-01-15 09:05:25.266839+00:00.