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This schema defines the Topic entity. A topic is a feed into which message are published to by publishers and read from by consumers in a messaging service.

  • schemaText (string): Schema used for message serialization. Optional as some topics may not have associated schemas.
  • schemaType: Schema used for message serialization. Refer to #/definitions/schemaType. Default: "None".
  • schemaFields (array): Columns in this schema. Default: [].
  • schemaType: Schema type used for the message. Must be one of: ["Avro", "Protobuf", "JSON", "Other", "None"].
  • dataTypeTopic (string): This enum defines the type of data defined in schema. Must be one of: ["RECORD", "NULL", "BOOLEAN", "INT", "LONG", "BYTES", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMPZ", "TIME", "DATE", "STRING", "ARRAY", "MAP", "ENUM", "UNION", "FIXED", "ERROR", "UNKNOWN"].
  • fieldName (string): Local name (not fully qualified name) of the field. .
  • field (object): This schema defines the nested object to capture protobuf/avro/jsonschema of topic's schema. Cannot contain additional properties.

Documentation file automatically generated at 2025-01-15 09:05:25.266839+00:00.