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The Source is the connector to external systems and outputs a record for downstream to process and push to OpenMetadata.

prepare will be called through Python's init method. This will be a place where you could make connections to external sources or initiate the client library.

_iter is where the client can connect to an external resource and emit the data downstream.

test_connection is used (by OpenMetadata supported connectors ONLY) to validate permissions and connectivity before moving forward with the ingestion.

A simple example of this implementation can be found in our demo Custom Connector here

As a consumer of Openmetadata-ingestion package, You can to add your custom connectors within the same namespace but in a different package repository.

Here is the situation

If you want to build as a source and run as a part of workflows defined in openmetadata_ingestion below are the steps.

First add your coustom project in PyCharm.

Add project in pycharm

Now Go to IDE and Project Settings in PyCharm, inside that go to project section, and select python interpreter, Select virtual environment created for the project as python interpreter

Select interpreter in pycharm

Now apply and okay that interpreter

Select interpreter in pycharm