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Ldap Authentication for Bare Metal

The following configuration controls the auth mechanism for OpenMetadata. Update the mentioned fields as required.

For the LDAP auth we need to set:

OpenMetadata Specific Configuration :

  • provider: ldap
  • publicKeyUrls: {http|https}://{your_domain}:{port}}/api/v1/system/config/jwks
  • authority: {your_domain}
  • enableSelfSignup: This has to be false for Ldap.

Please see the below image for a sample LDAP Configuration in ApacheDS.


Advanced LDAP Specific Configuration (Optional):

  • maxPoolSize: Connection Pool Size to use to connect to LDAP Server.
  • sslEnabled: Set to true if the SSL is enable to connect to LDAP Server.
  • truststoreConfigType: Truststore type. It is required. Can select from {CustomTrustStore, HostName, JVMDefault, TrustAll}
  • trustStoreConfig: Config for the selected truststore type. Please check below note for setting this up.

This configuration controls the authorizer for OpenMetadata:

For the Ldap we need to set:

  • adminPrincipals: This is the list of admin Principal for the OpenMetadata , if mail in ldap is, then if we want this user to be admin in the OM, we should add 'example', in this list.
  • principalDomain: Company Domain.

Once your server security is set, it's time to review the ingestion configuration. Our bots support JWT tokens to authenticate to the server when sending requests.

Find more information on Enabling JWT Tokens and JWT Troubleshooting to ensure seamless authentication.